IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 The Hinode Solar Optical Telescope Data & Calibration Dr. Thomas Berger Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Palo Alto, CA and the SOT TEAM
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 “What was SOT looking at on 10-Oct-2007”? * Web-based search tools: Lockheed pages: general database search page on-line SOT SP Level 1.5 file list Oslo page: sdc.uio.no/search/API ISAS Japan DARTS: * Operational Pages: SOT Timeline page: Hinode Operations at ISAS:
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 “Where can I find observations of a sunspot at the limb”? * Web-based search tools: Lockheed “Knowledge Base: Based on “VOEvent” metadata. Still in development. ISAS Japan: Go to “Monthly Events” At top of page: “HOP List” Check the HOP List for observations similar to yours. Ask the HOP contact if they got good data.
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 FG Photometric corrections: Level-0 ⇒ Level-1 Camera readout errors: fg_shift_pix.pro Central rows of camera dropped in full-camera readout. Top columns wrapped around. Dark current and pedestal subtraction: fg_dark_sub.pro FG camera 4096 x 2048 split-frame read-out: 2048x2048 frames. Each has different pedestal. Pedestal is temperature dependent. Linear combination of camera and electronics box temperatures. Flat field correction: fg_flatfield.pro Flat fields are created by Kuhn-Lin algorithm. Currently there are flat images only for CN (also used for Ca II H-line images) G-band Blue continuum Green continuum Red continuum (has bright ghost near image center) Fe I Na ID Mg Ib H-alpha Bad camera pixel correction via map in SSWDB (not fully implemented): fg_bad_pix.pro Cosmic ray removal: sot_nospike.pro Correction for BFI/NFI plate-scale difference and image shifts: fg_reg_wave.pro Avg. Pedestal = 192Avg. Pedestal = 187 G-band nm Flatfield
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 FG Photometric corrections Accomplished via fg_prep.pro: BFI simple filtergrams corrected completely NFI data products corrected: FG (simple) FGIV FGIQUV Shutterless modes still in development Call formats IDL> fg_prep, index, data, index_out, data_out, /despike IDL> fg_prep, filename_list, -1, index_out, data_out, /despike IDL> fg_prep, index, data, index_out, data_out, /despike, $ x0=256, y0=256, subimgx=768, subimgy=512 IDL> fg_prep, index, data, index_out, data_out, /despike, $ subimgx=512, subimgy=512, /center
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 FG_PREP Applied to Ca H Full-FOV image 4096x2048 summed 2x2: 2048x1024
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 SP Photometric corrections: Level-0 ⇒ Level-1 Camera readout errors Dark current and pedestal subtraction No shutter for SP: darks only taken before SOT door-open. Eclipses may offer more. Flat field correction FPP temperature warping Slit position during scans wanders vertically Polarimetric calibration for I, Q, U, V output Corrected by sp_prep.pro: Bruce Lites,
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 Quiet Sun at disk center with SP
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007
IAS Hinode Data WorkshopThursday 15-November-2007 SP Polarimetric Inversions: Level-1 ⇒ Level-2 Milne-Eddington code: HAO, Bruce Lites SIR code: IAC, Luis Bellot-Rubio (now at THEMIS)