By: Paul Lee E6
Who started Apple: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, William Marshal and Robert Apple. Where it begin: Apple was made Cupertino, California. When it begin: on April 1,1976. Major Products: Phones, including: iPhone generation from 1-5, computer, laptop, including: Macbook, Macbook air, Macbook Pro, iMac, iPad/ iPad mini, airport express, airport extreme. Music devices: iPod, iPod nano, iPod shuffle… Information about their sales in 2011: CUPERTINO, California— October 18, They announced the result that the Company posted the earn of $47 billion. Apple sold a total of million iPhones, million iPads and million iPods in most popular product or products now: iPad mini, iPod touch 5, iPhone 5, Macbook air (mostly brand new).
Who started it: Bill Gates III and Paul Allen. Where it begin: United States When it begin: April 4, 1975 Major Products: Software, including: Windows, Office, Windows Explorer, and Skype. Video gaming system: Xbox, Surface. Phone: Windows Phone (Nokia). Information about their sales in 2011: Xbox earned approximately 23 billion dollars, Skype earn $8.5 billion, Total earnings: $69.94 billion. Most popular product now: The Surface (the first large touch screen that Microsoft made!), Xbox 360.
Earnings/ Sales (total) 2011 OwnersMost Popular Product When it begin. Apple: average of $47 billion. Apple sold a total of million iPhones, million iPads and million iPods in Apple: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, William Marshal and Robert Apple. Apple: iPad mini, iPod touch 5, iPhone 5, Macbook air Apple: on April 1,1976. Microsoft: $69.94 billion. Microsoft sold about 150,000 Surfaces, about 300 million Windows (7), Xbox 360 – 1,448,665 as of 2011 , Just with Windows Phone, that could make 19.3M sales, Skype didn’t sale to the Public (download) Microsoft: Bill Gates III and Paul Allen. Microsoft: The Surface, Xbox 360 Microsoft: April 4, 1975
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