Seeing the Connections between the Great War and the Roaring Twenties
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Russia mobilizes its forces to aid Serbia Germany offers a “blank check” of support to Austria Hungary.
“The Allies” Great Britain France Russia “The Central Powers” Germany Austria-Hungary The Ottoman Empire
New Weapons & Tactics Submarines Airplanes Machine guns Flame-throwers Poisonous gas Trench Warfare (“no man’s land”) Barbed wire Tanks “Unprecedented Slaughter” One single battle in France (Verdun) produced as many casualties (600,000) as the entire American Civil War. By the end of the war, 10 million soldiers worldwide had been killed. Another 21 million people would perish in the influenza epidemic that followed the Great War.
Groups sharply divided at home British-Americans (democracy v. repression) German-Americans Irish-Americans (Easter Uprising, 1916) Russian Jews
Background British naval blockade of Germany Germany engages in unrestricted submarine warfare vs. ships entering & leaving British ports Important Events May 1915 Germany sinks the British liner Lusitania, which kills 124 Americans. May 1916 Germany issues the Sussex Pledge in response to pressure from US President Woodrow Wilson. Jan 1917—Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare in an attempt to defeat the Allies for the United States could enter the war.
Road to War Jan 1917 Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare Mar 1917 Zimmerman Telegram intercepted by British intelligence March 1917 Russian Revolution overthrew czar; established a constitutional government Prepare for War April 1917 Wilson delivers his war message to Congress; “The world must be made safe for democracy” Fourteen Points Wilson’s vision for a new international order; League of Nations! Selective Service Act (1917): required eligible males to register for the draft; increased size of military from 120,000 to 5 million soldiers
American Expeditionary Force (Spring 1918) 1 million soldiers under the command of General John J. “Blackjack” Pershing pushed back an outnumbered & exhausted German army at the Battle of Meuse-Argonne. The German retreat would lead to the Kaiser’s abdication from the throne in Nov ,000 American soldiers were killed in the Great War; only 1% of those lost in the worldwide conflict.
War Industries Board Run by Wall Street exec Bernard Baruch Presided over all elements of production, symbolizing a “total war” effort Distribution of raw materials; price of manufacturing goods; transportation; rationing War Labor Board Achieved (temporary) progressive gains for workers: 8-hour workday; minimum wage; right to form unions
Organized Labor Union membership doubled during WWI; work conditions improved; wages rose substantially Liberty Bonds (poster campaign) Millions of Americans demonstrated patriotism by purchasing Liberty bonds to help fund the war effort. Peacetime transition Once peace arrived, the wartime economy withered away, ushering in a period of inflation & labor unrest