+ Research Ruwaa Samarrai
+ Research Applying to a program Getting to know a professor ing professors The Experience Benefits Questions
+ Programs Aresty Summer Science: Research Assistant: SURF: research-fellowships Robert Wood Johnson: Outside Rutgers: opportunities
+ How to meet a professor Class Take a research class Byrne Seminar Attend lectures held by professors Browse faculty members Department websites Aresty list: RWJMS faculty: Excel Sheet
+ ing Professors Aresty’s guide: Steps: Identify a mentor whose research actually interests you Read abstracts of their papers (if not the whole paper) When you them include: You’re interested in their research for the following reasons, etc. Ask specific questions from their papers Comment on your past research experiences if you have had any and try to draw parallels (or contrasts) between your research and theirs List relevant skills you have and relevant classes you have taken Offer to volunteer! (summer, winter break etc.) Ask if they would be willing to meet with you to discuss the projects further Always include your resume and transcript for them to review
+ What it’s like Depends on the lab and department Scientific vs Humanities Research Basic Science Research: Wet lab Learning how to do specific techniques Reading papers Meeting with PI and other lab members for discussions Writing papers Clinical Research: Reading papers More patient-centered Statistic
+ Benefits of Research Resume Credit Stipends Being part of a project Getting published Recommendation Letter Become an expert in a specific topic Exposure It’s fun
+ Questions?