Research Participation Program Department of Organizational Studies Anderson School of Management
W elcome Welcome to the Department of Organizational Studies’ Research Participation Program! The Research Participation Program (RPP) allows students to participate as subjects in ongoing research projects conducted by the Department of Organizational Studies. Why? 1.Participating in research allows you to learn more about the science of Organizational Behavior 2.Participating allows you to actively contribute to the development of new knowledge in the field Did you know? UNM Anderson has a number of highly active research faculty, producing cutting-edge research in the field of Organizational Behavior. This program allows you to contribute to and learn from this research.
E arn credit All students enrolled in MGMT 306 and MGMT 506 are required to complete 2 research participation credits during the semester. Students can earn credits by: 1)Participating in research: 30 minute and 1 hour study options available 1)Research Participation Alternative: Write brief papers that summarize theory, methods and results of published research No partial research participation credits will be granted. Completing the RPP requirement is “all or nothing”.
2 Research Participation Credits 1 Lab Study + 1 Lab Study = 2 Research Participation Credits 1 Lab Study + 1 Written Report = 2 Research Participation Credits 1 Written Report + 1 Written Report = 2 Research Participation Credits Research participation credit hours may come from any combination of participation or written reviews:
Randomly issued Necessary to bring or memorize this number to participate in research studies P articipant ID Number
L ogin with your user ID and password
A ccess information, sign-up, and check credits on SONA homepage
S ONA Homepage – My Schedule | Credits
H ow do I participate? Be at least 5 minutes early to your scheduled session Please wait in the lobby outside room ASM credit will be assigned for missed sessions or late arrivals You have 24 hours to cancel or reschedule via SONA systems
W here is the OB Lab located? Enter the main doors on the second floor of ASM on the East side. Seat yourself at any of the tables in the lobby outside of ASM At your scheduled session time, a Research Assistant will escort you to the Anderson Behavioral Laboratory.
N egative Credit A research participation credit value of "-1" will be assigned for either: Missed sessions Late arrivals It is important to note that we cannot accommodate participants who arrive late to sessions. Even 1 minute late is considered a "late arrival" and will result in a value of -1 being assigned to the participant's account. For that reason, it is always a good idea to arrive a few minutes early for your session.
S ONA Homepage – Cancel Study Appointment
F inal thoughts Sign up for your lab session early – Don’t wait! Limited # of seats available per session Limited amount of hours per semester We’re in this together If you have ideas or questions – we’re here for you
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