Together we can! Promoting intentional linkages between children’s HIV programming and child protection system strengthening Kelley Bunkers, 4Children & Siân Long, Maestral March 2016
1.To build upon the September 2015 webinar presenting the evidence base supporting intentional linkages between HIV and CP with concrete examples from the field. 2.To learn from the experiences of colleagues in Uganda and Zimbabwe on how to design, implement, monitor and document programming that includes intentional linkages. 3.To provide a forum for questions from and discussions with the audience. Learning objectives for today
2013 IATT CABA-commissioned review found: Children living with and affected by HIV face some unique and specific risks of abuse, violence exploitation and neglect. Child survivors and victims of abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect face increased HIV risks ‘Prevent and Protect’ was designed to: Update the evidence base and highlighted promising practices of intentional linkages within HIV and child protection programming in Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Document approaches, interventions & tools that have effectively supported linkages between CP & HIV sectors. Utilise promising practices from three countries to help inform recommended next steps. The Evidence base supporting the need for linkages
Demonstrably meet expressed need of beneficiaries/ participants; Effective & relevant to local context; Ethically acceptable (addresses stigma, rights-based); Bear fruit in reasonable time; Likely to be sustainable e.g. (local ownership and leadership, resource allocation); and Be viewed by core users as promising. Reference: Adapted by the consultants from Family Health International (n.d.) Selection guide for STI/HIV/AIDS Promising and Best Practices. SADC has also defined ‘Best Practices in HIV’ using similar criteria. Selection guide for STI/HIV/AIDS Promising and Best PracticesBest Practices in HIV What is a promising practice
Lessons from the field Focus on emerging practices Comprehensive framework stimulates multi-sectoral collaboration. Active steps to foster workforce collaboration required for synergies to be made. Case management is the ‘glue’ that binds HIV and child protection. Understanding child protection concerns can improve HIV treatment outcomes for children.
Lessons from the field Focus on emerging practices Engaging adolescents in all phases of adolescent programming improves outcomes. Understanding and addressing HIV stigma experienced by children makes it possible to identify and respond to child protection risks and barriers to HIV care and support. Proactive approach to facilitating improved communication.
Presenters Zvandiri NGO-led model. Initiated as an HIV response but recognized that child protection issues impacted HIV outcomes. Now part of national case management system. Has been adopted by Ministry of Health, operating in five provinces. Child- and youth-led model of clinical care, psychosocial support, training and advocacy for children, adolescents and young people living with HIV. More than 100 community adolescent treatment supporters (CATS).
Presenters WEI/Bantwana Bantwana was implementing two PEPFAR-supported programs in Eastern Uganda (09-15). SUNRISE-OVC focused on strengthening local government social welfare systems to improve the OVC response. STAR-EC focused on increasing health coverage and utilization of HIV&AIDS and tuberculosis prevention, and care and treatment services. Both programs worked with para-social workers (PSWs) or Village Health Teams (VHTs) and Expert Clients at different levels.
Resources More information about the evidence base linking HIV and child protection and examples from the field, can be found here: Prevent and Protect (2015): hiv-and-child-protection-response-to-keep-children-safe-healthy- and-resilient/ hiv-and-child-protection-response-to-keep-children-safe-healthy- and-resilient/ Building Protection and Resilience (2015) CP and HIV checklist content/uploads/2015/10/FINAL_HIV_CP_Tool_4C.pdf content/uploads/2015/10/FINAL_HIV_CP_Tool_4C.pdf Bantwana case study: access-services-children-and-families-through-collaboration- among-health access-services-children-and-families-through-collaboration- among-health
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