Right of access to information Requests can come from anyone Statutory timescales to respond Network of service Information Access Officers Staff responsibility to promptly supply information to the IAO Three Pieces of Legislation The Freedom of Information Act (2000) The Data Protection Act (1998) The Environmental Information Regulation (2004)
Freedom of Information Act Requests must be in writing (letter, or e-form) Clear description of the information required Name and address of applicant ( Address) Access is to recorded information held by or on behalf of SCC 20 working day deadline for provision of information Can only refuse to supply in certain situations Duty to advise and assist EIR are handled in the same way but they can be verbal
The Data Protection Act Ensure we manager personal data properly and that we respond appropriately to requests for personal information Requests need to be put in Writing 40 Calendar days deadline for provision of personal information
Eight Data Protection Principles Legitimate Reasons Transparent Adequate, Relevant and up to date Accurate Not to be kept longer that necessary Own personal data Secure Inside the EU
Who to Contact Eileen Perren – Freedom of Information Officer – Grisilda Ponnaih – Data Protection Officer – Clare Mackay – – FOI/COR/SCC or If there was any problems please contact as soon as possible and not wait till the last minute! Advice available on SNET