Wednesday LO: To know that a muscle has to move to make a bone move.
Where are our muscles and what do they do? What do you think a muscle is and how it works?
muscle contraction as an active process and relaxation as being passive. Can you explore your own muscles moving for example in your arms/legs etc and what this feels like.
What do muscles do? Muscles move cows, snakes, worms and humans. Muscles move you! You couldn't move anything inside or outside you. The fact is, without muscles, you wouldn't be alive for very long!
Muscles Muscles are moved whenever you move How many muscles do you think there are your body? Over 650! They make up nearly half of your body weight.
Muscles Muscles are all made of the same material, a type of elastic tissue (sort of like the material in a rubber band).
Inside a Muscle
How do muscles move? The cells that make up muscles contract and then relax back to their original size. Muscles tighten up- CONTRACT and then RELAX. You have two sets of muscles attached to many of your bones which allow them to move They work in pairs.
If you take part in lots of exercise what will happen to your muscles? They will get bigger and stronger. Muscles are attached to your bones by tendons.
What do you think the biggest muscle is? The bottom What about the smallest? The ear
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Activity 1 Draw an outline of an arm or leg extended and draw in the bones. Draw on where they think the muscles go and colour them in red. Repeat the drawing with it bent and show how the muscle has changed shape. Explain in a few sentences how it relaxes and contracts to make it move.
When you want to move your arm one muscle contracts and the other one relaxes. So that makes your muscle pick up your arm. That is how you pick up weights.
Activity 2 Choose the pictures from the activity sheet and stick into book. Explain what muscles are moving and how they are moving.
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