Piquet report (07/Aug/ /Aug/2012) D. Pinci
Run summary 8 fills this week. About 40 hours of stable beams, with a 2.7% dead time.
Muon System Issues DAQ: : In order to cure 3 not-communicating SB a power cycle of the whole crate was done. This operation created more problems and the communication with the crate was lost. –More than one hour was needed to fix the problem. –In the meanwhile M4R1 and M4R2 were not configure. The whole run was taken with an hole in the muon system. 09/ persistent Muon Sync Error. Not cured after several fast_run_changes and not even a first reset of MUON and TMU. Only a second reset helped. 08/ faulty optical link made errors appear and disappear. Source of the problem not found. HV: : M5A23D_GapB, M5C11B_GapB, M5C11A_GapA tripped and excluded.
Muon System Upgrades and Tests : The latest version of the OPC server ( ) was installed in all the MUDAQ machines. It is supposed to be more stable in case of ELMB problems. The procedure to install a new version of the OPC server is now described in: : Several robustness test were made with the new OPC server by power cycling two different SB crates. The OPC showed to be stable, but unfortunately, the PDM in the crate M23 Q2 Side A is not longer communicating. A check and/or a replacement has to be foreseen : by using the panel G:\online\ecs\Shortcuts38\INF\INFDAI1\INFDAI1_UI_PowerSocketControl it has been possible to make a complete power cycle of all the Systec Boards. After this, a STOP/START of the OPC was needed and the communication was easily restored. The procedure to correctly make a power cycle of the Systec Boards is described in:
New Feature – ELMB Power Cycle Since the ELMB have shown instability problem, the possibility of power cycle a single ELMB o a single SB was developed in PVSS; The procedure exploit a PDM feature and thus the access and the communication to the PDM is needed; In order to proceed, the panel of the crate hosting the boards to “cycle” has to be reached from the hierarchy: The PDM panel can be open by clicking on the PDM-ELMB (the green led)
New Feature – ELMB Power Cycle From the PDM panel open the PDM_ELMB_Ctrl panel: Select the single ELMBs and/or the Service Boards to power cycle; Click on “Power Cycle” and wait for about 30 sec/ELMB selected; When the progress bar reaches 100% and the button is enabled again, the procedure is finished EVEN if the led didn’t turn gray.
Conclusion The issue of the ELMBs that stop the communication has caused a lot of problems in the last months; During this weeks a bunch of new tools was developed and tested that can help in case the problem arises again; The procedure I’d advice in this case is: 1.Try to restart the ELMB or the SB by using the “Single Board Power Cycle” 2.If the communication is not restored try STOP/START the OPC Server; 3.If the issue is not fixed try to power cycle the whole crate by acting on the LV and thus STOP/START the OPC server; 4.If the boards don’t respond as a last handle STOP the OPC server, power cycle the Systec Board and thus RESTART the OPC server; All the procedures are described now in the “How To” section of the Twiki Pages.