CCSA March 3, 2014 Sampson County Schools
Presenters Robbin Cooper – Lead Instructional Coach Amanda Horne – HS Instructional Coach SCS
What is CPD? Individualized professional development based on the individual needs of teachers SCS
Purpose of CPD? To develop a framework of professional development activities to support teachers in relation to curriculum, instruction and assessment as related to the new curriculum To provide a growth model for teachers of their professional development needs SCS
Our Goal “To grow our own instructional leaders ” “Inside every great teacher, there is an even greater one waiting to come out." - Author Unknown SCS
Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment Rubric (CIA) Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment Rubric (CIA) is a three part rubric designed to identify individual professional development needs in an effort to provide growth opportunities for teachers in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Summative Evaluations/PDP SCS
Placement on CIA Rubric correlation with NC Teaching Standards Develop PDP Teachers then begin PD activities related to CIA rubric/PDP. PD is year long process EOY – New placement on CIA rubric Evaluation – Individual activities = evidenced based Summative evaluation = upward movement on rubric SCS
Professional Development Menu (PDM)- Professional Development Menu (PDM)- is a tool that houses professional development activities that are designed as “plated specials” and “a la carte” items that are based on teacher need as evidenced through data collection using the CIA rubric and summative evaluations. Ex – Plated Special – Integrated Curriculum Ex – A la Carte – Classroom Management (7 tips, rubrics for bullying) SCS
Questions? SCS