Daily Objective: To master the English language by reviewing what I do not know in The Wadsworth Handbook. Daily Assignments: › Pass back papers › BONUS DAY FOR WADSWORTH: Here is the deal—there are so many wonderful things to learn in Wadsworth, but I am running out of time to teach them all to you. Therefore, pick out FOUR CHAPTERS for which you would like more information that we did not cover this semester AND DO THREE EXERCISES PER CHAPTER (for a total of 12). Turn it in by the end of the period. When finished, we will begin watching Pride and Prejudice. Next class period: I will pass out exam review. YOUR NOTEBOOK IS ALSO DUE!
Daily Objective: To begin successfully studying for the exam. Daily Assignments: › Turn in notebook › Pass out Exam Review › Continue watching Pride and Prejudice › Just a reminder—your favorite journal and comment on someone’s journal is due tomorrow at 11:59 pm to turnitin
Daily Objective: To continue to successfully review for exam. Daily Assignments: › Finish Pride and Prejudice › Review for exam, including playing Canterbury Tales BINGO
Daily Objective: To be successful taking the exam. Daily Assignments: › Take exam and do awesome on it
Daily Objective: To learn to write a strong argument essay. Daily Assignments: › B Day—After you get your papers back, you will TURN IN YOUR NOTEBOOK › Pass back papers, including returning AP Essay #5 › Write a final draft of AP Essay #4 (humorists) or #5 (Thoreau quote) Instructions on p. 297; we will work in Rm. 215
Daily Objective: To understand what makes up a strong argument essay. Daily Assignments: › A Day—Turn in notebook › Fill out name and go over scoring of midterm exam › Work on peer/self editing of AP Essay #4 or #5 in rm. 215 › Do AP MC Practice #11 and #12 › Play Scattegories to review literary terms › Reminder: Next class period we will begin taking our AP Midterm. You will complete your synthesis and rhetorical analysis essays. PLUS remember to submit your favorite JQ and comment on someone’s JQ under the Discussion Board of
Daily Objective: To write a strong synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay. Daily Assignments: › Complete synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay for midterm exam
Daily Objective: To do well completing multiple choice questions and an argument essay for a real AP exam. Daily Assignments: › Complete multiple choice and argument essay for midterm exam