doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 WG11 Opening Report Snapshots September 2013 Date: 15 – September Authors: Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 1 Abstract: Opening snapshot reports for Plenary meeting – September 2013 being held in Nanjing, China
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission Meeting Documents Agenda r1 Snapshots r0 Supplementary r0 Adrian’s Vice Chair report r5 Jon’s Vice Chair report r0 Treasury report r0 Publicity Newcomers material r2 September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 2
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 PAR Expiration/Renewal Schedule ProjectPAR Expiration Date AF31-DEC-2014 AH31-DEC-2014 AI31-DEC-2014 AC31-DEC-2014 AJ31-DEC-2016 AK31-DEC-2016 AQ31-DEC Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 3
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 4
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission Type of Groups September 2013 Type of GroupDescription WGWorking Group TGTask Group SGStudy Group SCStanding Committee Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 5
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September Appointments WG Secretary – Stephen McCann Treasurer – Jon Rosdahl Publicity – Stephen McCann ANA Authority – Adrian Stephens WG Technical Editors – Adrian Stephens, Peter Ecclesine Monday Agenda Item Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 6
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission Groups September 2013 TypeGroupDescriptionChair WG WG11The IEEE Working GroupBruce Kraemer TG MCMaintenance – Revision “mc”Dorothy Stanley TG ACVery High Throughput (<6 GHz bands)Osama Aboul-Magd TG AFOperation in TV Whitespace bandsRichard Kennedy TG AHOperation in 900 MHz bandsDave Halasz TG AIFast Initial Link SetupHiroshi Mano TG AJChina 60 GHzXiaoming Peng TG PAQPre-association DiscoveryStephen McCann TG AKGeneral LinkDonald Eastlake SC WNGWireless Next GenerationClint Chaplin SC ARCArchitectureMark Hamilton SC JTC1ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow committeeAndrew Myles SC REGRegulatoryRichard Kennedy SG HEWHigh Efficiency WLANOsama Aboul-Magd Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 7
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers – September 2013 CatGroupChairVice ChairTechnical Editor Secretary WG WG11Bruce Kraemer Jon Rosdahl Adrian Stephens Peter Ecclesine Stephen McCann TG MCDorothy StanleyMark Hamilton, Jon RosdahlAdrian StephensJon Rosdahl TG ACOsama Aboul-MagdMenzo Wentink, Joonsuk Kim Robert StaceyDavid Yang TG AFRichard KennedyPeter Ecclesine, Zhou LanPeter EcclesineZhou Lan TG AHDave HalaszYongho SeokMinyoung ParkLi Chia CHOO TG AIHiroshi ManoMarc Emmelmann,Lee Armstrong Ping Fang Hitoshi Morioka TG AJXiaoming PengEldad Perahia, Haiming WangNYRQHAO Peng TG AKDonald EastlakeNYRQOPENZHUANG Yan TG AQStephen McCannYunsong YANG,Dan GalOPEN SC WNGClint ChaplinJim Lansford SC ARCMark HamiltonOPEN SC JTC1Andrew Myles SC REGRichard Kennedy SG HEWOsama Aboul-MagdYasuhiko Inoue NYRQ = Not yet required, nominations are not open OPEN = Candidate Nominations are open NEW Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers – Sep ADJ CatGroupChairVice ChairTechnical Editor Secretary WG WG11Bruce Kraemer Jon Rosdahl Adrian Stephens Peter Ecclesine Stephen McCann TG MCDorothy StanleyMark Hamilton, Jon RosdahlAdrian StephensJon Rosdahl TG ACOsama Aboul-MagdMenzo Wentink, Joonsuk Kim Robert StaceyDavid Yang TG AFRichard KennedyPeter Ecclesine, Zhou LanPeter EcclesineZhou Lan TG AHDave HalaszYongho SeokMinyoung ParkLi Chia CHOO TG AIHiroshi ManoMarc Emmelmann,Lee Armstrong Ping Fang Hitoshi Morioka TG AJXiaoming PengEldad Perahia, Haiming WangNYRQHAO Peng TG AKDonald EastlakeNYRQOPENZHUANG Yan TG AQStephen McCannYunsong YANGDan GalOPEN SC WNGClint ChaplinJim Lansford SC ARCMark HamiltonOPEN SC JTC1Andrew Myles SC REGRichard Kennedy SG HEWOsama Aboul-MagdYasuhiko Inoue NYRQ = Not yet required, nominations are not open OPEN = Candidate Nominations are open NEW Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 9
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 WG11 Meeting Chairs – September 2013 CatGroupMeeting Chair WG WG11Bruce Kraemer TG MCDorothy Stanley TG ACOsama Aboul-Magd TG AFRichard Kennedy TG AHDave Halasz TG AIHiroshi Mano TG AJXiaoming Peng TG AKDonald Eastlake TG AQStephen McCann SC WNGClint Chaplin SC ARCMark Hamilton SC JTC1Andrew Myles SC REGRichard Kennedy SG HEWOsama Aboul-Magd Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 10
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 11
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Current Membership Status - September Data as of Definitions: Aspirant: a member who has attended 1 qualifying meeting Potential Voter: a member who has attended 2 qualifying meetings and will become a voter at the start of the next plenary they attend StatusNumber Aspirant96 Potential Voter36 Voter334 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 12
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 SubmissionSlide 13 IEEE Standards Pipeline PHY Sponsor Ballot MAC Study groups Published Standard WG Letter Ballot aa Video Transport ac VHT 5GHz TG without Approved draft Discussion Topics Published Amendment af TVWS ai FILS ah WNG September ae QoS Mgt Frames ad VHT 60 GHz PAD AQ aj GLK AK HEW Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 13
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE Revisions k RRM r Fast Roam a 54 Mbps 5GHz b 11 Mbps 2.4GHz d Intl roaming V Network Management s Mesh u WIEN Y Contention Based Protocol n High Throughput (>100 Mbps) W Management Frame Security z TDLS p WAVE PHY MAC aa Video Transport ae QoS Mgt Frames ah <1GHz ac VHT 5GHz ai FILS ad VHT 60GHz af TV Whitespace g 54 Mbps 2.4GHz e QoS i Security h DFS & TPC j JP bands f Inter AP f Inter AP September ak GlobalLink aj 40 & 60 GHz aq Service Discovery Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 14
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 15
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 SubmissionBruce Kraemer (Marvell)Slide 16 WG11 Editor Abstract / Agenda – Sep 2013 Chairs: Adrian Stephens, Peter Ecclesine Roll Call / Contacts / Reflector Go round table and get brief status report ANA Status / Process / What is administered Numbering Alignment process / Spreadsheet Amendment Ordering / Draft Snapshots Style Guide for Editor backup practices
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission WNG SC – September 2013 Wireless Next Generation Chair: Clint Chaplin Review of objectives Thursday AM2 (10:30-12:30) –Dynamic Sensitivity Control Improvement to area throughput ( wng- dynamic-sensitivity-control.pptx) – Graham Smith
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission ARC – September, 2013 Architecture Chair : Mark Hamilton IETF/802 coordination –RFC 4441 update –RADEXT update 802 O&A update TGak and 802.1Qbz on “ bridging” –Joint session with TGak OmniRAN relationship to IEEE 1588 mapping to IEEE AP/DS architecture and 802 concepts Future sessions / SC activities September 2013 Mark Hamilton, SpectralinkSlide 18
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission Sept 2013 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)Slide 19 IEEE 802 JTC1 SC – September 2013 ISO/IEC/JTC1 coordination Chair: Andrew Myles The agenda items that will be addressed this week are: –Review status of IEEE 802 liaisons to SC6 IEEE 802 project notifications to SC6 IEEE 802 standards submitted to JTC1 under the PSDO Possible security related NPs in SC6 –TePA-AC, TLSec, TAAA, WAPI, TISec Discussions between IEEE 802 and Swiss NB on security topics Possible other NPs in SC6 –UHT/EUHT, WLAN Cloud, Optimization technology in WLAN –Discus the future role of SC6 What is the role of SC6 in a modern world? How should IEEE 802 make use of SC6?
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission Regulatory Standing Committee Meeting Goals September 2013 Chair: Richard Kennedy September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 20 Approve meeting and teleconference minutes The regulatory summaries Action items and issues NPRM FCC update NPRM FCC response Ofcom consultations Any other business
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE TGmc – Nanjing September revision Chair: Dorothy Stanley Since July 2013 meeting, h eld 3 teleconferences –Comment resolution –801 comments (713 LB, 88 remaining 2012 call for comments); approximately 190 comments remain to be resolved –Corrections to 11ad inconsistencies and ambiguities, see proposed-pre-ballot-changes-related-to-11ad-text.docx proposed-pre-ballot-changes-related-to-11ad-text.docx Goals for September Meeting: –Complete LB193 comment resolution –Working Group letter ballot on P802.11REVmc D2.0 –Hear presentations September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 21
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 22 IEEE ac – September 2013 Very-high Throughput, < 6GHz Chair: Osama Aboul-Magd Completed the resolution of SB 01 comments received on draft D6.0 –Comment spreadsheet is available at: sb02-comments-d6-0.xls sb02-comments-d6-0.xls Prepare draft D7.0 and start a second recirculation sponsor ballot (estimated to start Sep 20). Prepare request to move to RevCom Agenda for this meeting is available in document 11-13/0950r1.
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 23 TGaf – Meeting Goals September 2013 Whitespaces Chair: Richard Kennedy Approve meeting and teleconference minutes Regulatory update Review the results of LB197 Review the results of the 1 st Sponsor Ballot Review of the progress since July Editorial review Review and Approve all comment resolution submissions Plan Sponsor Ballot schedule Plan for November meeting and teleconferences
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE ah September Snapshot sub 1GHz PHY Chair: Dave Halasz Address comments on Draft P802.11ah D0.1 – Comment collection 9 comments.xlsx Comment collection 9 comments.xlsx Letter Ballot targeted in September –988 Comments received –311 Comments addressed in July –92 Comments discussed on conference calls, as of Sept. 5 th –=> Will be challenging to reach LB in September September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 24
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE TGai – Nanjing September 2013 Fast Initial Link Setup Chair: Hiroshi Mano Goals for the Meeting: –Approve minutes of past meeting and teleconference –Comment resolution of WG LB (D1.0) –Approve Timeline –Approve Teleconference schedule –Approve Plan for Nov September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 25
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE aj - September 2013 China millimeter wave Chair: Xiaoming Peng List of Complete and New Technique Proposals New Technique Proposal Presentation 45GHz Channel Measurement and Modeling New submissions Plan to Call for Nomination of TG Technical Editors September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 26
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission Task Group ak September 2013 Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks Chair: Donald Eastlake Primary foci: Decide on solution to the sub-setting problem Selection of a Technical Editor. Receive and discuss technical presentations. Joint meeting with IEEE ARC SC. Develop process and timeline for TGak. Agenda: See 11-13/0953 September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 27
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 28 IEEE aq – September 2013 Pre-Association Discovery Chair: Stephen McCann Presentations –PAD technical presentations –Transportation of higher layer service discovery protocols –Merging and down selection of solutions Documents under development –Framework Requirements Document –Terminology Document Liaisons Agenda for this meeting is 11-13/1020r0.
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 29 HEW SG – September 2013 High Efficiency WLAN Chair: Osama Aboul-Magd Continue to receive submissions that could assist in drafting the PAR and the 5C. –A call for submission was issued on the IEEE reflector. Submissions may cover topics including: Market needs, applications, usage scenarios Technology & feasibility –MAC efficiency evaluation and enhancements. –PHY enhancements to 11ac –new MAC & PHY technology Requirements –metrics (i.e. throughput, network capacity, spectral efficiency, range, etc) –coexistence / interoperability Spectrum availability & regulatory options Initiate the discussion on problem definition and possible project scopes Agenda for this meeting is available in document 11-13/0951r1
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 30
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 YearInter meeting Period Ballots Completed WGSponsor 2011/2012Nov - Jan Jan - Mar Mar - May May - July July - Sept Sept - Nov1 2012/2013Nov - Jan Jan - Mar3 + comments 2013Mar - May May - July1 + comments 2013July - Sept22 Recent Ballot History Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 31
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE WG Letter Ballot #197 was a 15 day Working Group Technical recirculation Ballot asking the question "Should P802.11af D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?" Ballot Opening Date: Wednesday July 17, :59 ET Ballot Closing Date: Thursday August 01, :59 ET RESULTS: 300 eligible people are in this ballot group. 228 affirmative votes 3 negative votes 1 negative vote without comments 7 abstention votes === 239 votes received = 79.7% valid returns = 2.9% valid abstentions APPROVAL RATE: 228 affirmative votes = 98.7 % affirmative 3 valid negative votes = 1.3 % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met, Motion Passes. There were 00 comments received. September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 32 TGAF – LB#197
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission IEEE WG Letter Ballot #198 was the initial 30 day Working Group Technical Ballot asking the question "Should P802.11ai D1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?" Results: Ballot Opening Date: Tuesday August 13, :59 ET Ballot Closing Date: Thursday September 12, :59 ET 334 eligible people are in this ballot group. 147 affirmative votes 51 negative votes 6 negative vote without comments 22 abstention votes === 226 votes received = 67.7% valid returns = 9.7% valid abstentions APPROVAL RATE: 147 affirmative votes = 74.2 % affirmative 51 valid negative votes = 25.8 % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has not been met, Motion Fails. There were 1389 comments received. September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 33 TGAI – LB#198
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 34 The first IEEE P802.11ac (VHT 5GHz) 15 day recirculation Sponsor Ballot asked the question “Should P802.11ac Draft 6.0 be forwarded to RevCom?” Ballot Opening Date: Friday July 19, :59 ET Ballot Closing Date: Saturday August 03, :59 ET RESULTS: 211 eligible people are in this ballot group. 167 affirmative votes 6 negative votes with comments 0 negative votes without comments 10 abstention votes ======= 183 votes received = 86.7 % valid returns = 5.25% valid abstentions APPROVAL RATE: 167 affirmative votes = 96.5 % affirmative 6 total negative votes = 3.5 % negative The motion PASSES. There were 45 comments received TGAC – First recirculation Sponsor Ballot
doc.: IEEE /0932r1 Submission The first IEEE P802.11af (Whitespaces) 30 day initial Sponsor Ballot asked the question “Should P802.11af Draft 5.0 be forwarded to RevCom?” Ballot Opening Date: Monday August 12, :59 ET Ballot Closing Date: Wednesday September 11, :59 ET RESULTS: 183 eligible people are in this ballot group. 143 affirmative votes 5 negative votes with comments 1 negative vote without comments 9 abstention votes ======= 158 votes received = 86.4 % valid returns = 5.7 % valid abstentions APPROVAL RATE: 143 affirmative votes = 96.6 % affirmative 5 total negative votes = 3.4 % negative The motion PASSES. There were 143 comments received September 2013 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 35 TGAF – Initial Sponsor Ballot