By: Chantal Ward & Jessica Yakashiro シャンテル ワード & ジェシカ ヤカシロ
Origami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. It is from the meaning oru( おる ) which means folding and kami( かみ ) which means paper. The main idea of origami is to make a representation of the object without using glue or cutting paper.
Origami was introduced in the 6 th century. Originally started in china. Only the rich could afford it Was used in Shinto weddings.
Three different types of paper 1. Kami ( かみ ) 2. Foil-back paper 3. Washi ( わし )
The most common origami is the paper crane. The paper crane is a mystical Japanese best. There is a legend that says anyone who makes a thousand paper cranes will be granted one wish.
There are tools to help you fold the paper so you get a good crease and sharp fold. They were originally made from elk, deer, or cow bone. But now they are made from plastic or wood.