The Most Effective Slogans 企四丙 493703273 曾加棟 Karl.


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Presentation transcript:

The Most Effective Slogans 企四丙 曾加棟 Karl

華碩 ASUS Slogans: 華碩品質 堅若磐石 Analysis: 1.I can see clearly that their quality is conceiving from the slogan. 2.They also have its slogan rhymed, so it’s easy for us to remember.

NOKIA Slogan: 科技始終來自於人性 Analysis: 1.If I don’t know what NOKIA is, I can still know clearly that it’s a tech gadget producer. 2.I think their products are very friendly because they design products from customers’ thoughts.

LEXUS Slogan: 專注完美 近乎苛求 Analysis: 1.Their products are high quality. 2.What they emphasize on is their cars are always in the best condition. 3.No errors are allowed in their cars.

家樂福 Carrefour Slogan: 天天都便宜 就是家樂福 Analysis: 1.Products in Carrefour are always cheap. 2.However, I don’t know what the quality is about their products.

Domino’s Slogan: 達美樂 打了沒 Analysis: 1.I think three words in Chinese is easy to remember and to say it. 2.It’s obvious that they want us to pick up the phone, and call them to order pizzas.