Welcome to English IV An introduction to the course
What is English IV? According to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, English IV will integrate all the language arts skills gained throughout students’ education. The curriculum both affirms these skills and equips the students to be life-long learners. Students continue to explore expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary contexts with a focus on British Literature. The emphasis in English IV is on argumentation by developing a position of advocacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media.
What are we learning? We follow the North Carolina standard course of study. We use the Prentice Hall Literature book and individual novels to study British literature. We use writing to defend and present arguments with documentation.
How do we learn it? We learn by reading, writing, and listening. We create journals, do writing warm-ups, essays, research, and homework. We do self selected reading, literature groups, and class novels.
What does a typical day look like? Journal writing-Most days you will come into class, get your composition book and write your journal entry. Essential Question-After sharing the journal prompt, we’ll shift into the content for the day. This is connected to the day’s essential question. Activities, slideshows, lecture, group, peer and individual work will occur. Closing- The last five minutes of class will be devoted to reflection on what we learned.
What is Self Selected Reading? Each quarter you’ll be required to read a British work outside of class. This work can be a group of four poems by a British poet, a novel, or two short stories by a British author. You will write a paper (using APA documentation). You will also present your to the class on the date selected on your syllabus.
Curriculum Argumentative writing Research Paper and documentation Journaling Critical Thinking British literature Effective editing/proofreading Applying text to self, to world, and to other text. Monitoring your goals and progress toward those goals.
Grading Your grade for English IV is comprised of the following: Tests 30% Writing Assignments 30% Projects, Group Assignments 20% Homework and class work 15% Participation 05%
Icebreaker- Find Someone Who This icebreaker will get you up and out of your seat! You’ll have roughly ten minutes to complete your chart. First one done gets a prize!
Closing Activity: Write down three things you learned today. Write down two reasons why they are important. Write down one question you still have about English IV.