Lesson No. 27 REVELATION
WRITER—The apostle John. It is remarkable that John the Beloved, who was nearer to the heart of Christ than any other, he who filled his gospel and epistles with the warmth of divine love, should be the chosen vessel to make known the most terrible judgments. This at least, suggests that he would not over-draw the picture.
TO WHOM WRITTEN—The seven churches of Asia Minor, and through them to all churches.
DATE and PLACE—Likely 96 A.D., from the Isle of Patmos, to which John was banished for being a Christian preacher by Emperor Domitian of Rome.
OCCASION—There was a bitter persecution of the Christians in Asia, and the last of the apostles was about to go to his reward. It was therefore very fitting that God should use him to draw the veil of the future, that man might know of this crisis that should afterward come to pass.
PURPOSE— 1. To describe the wonderful events connected with the end of the age. 2. To encourage Christians to be faithful by giving them an inspired picture of Christ’s final triumph over all evil.
Great Fact I -- The Introductory Vision.
Great Fact II -- The Message to the Churches.
Great Fact III -- The Judgments and Events That Will Immediately Precede Christ’s Second Coming.
Great Fact IV -- The Second Coming and the Millennium.
Great Fact V -- The Last Judgment and the Seven New Things.