ILC-CAL Test status of HPK photon sensors Kobe-U Y.Tamura / K.Kawagoe Confidential: do not distribute outside.
ILC-CAL Setup LED SiPM Amp (ORTEC820A) CAMAC ADC PC Pulse Generator Gate Data Pulse Bias (KENWOOD 製) Light source : Blue LED drived by a pulse generator LED Pulse Width : 10ns thermostatic chamber : T= -20C~20C Amplifier Gain : 200 ADC : 0.125pC/count
ILC-CAL Photon counting with HPK 100pixel -photon peaks are clearly separated at Room Temperature -27 ADC counts between peaks : Gain=2.1*10^7 T:20C Bias:49.0V
ILC-CAL Increasing Light intensity of LED (Up to 38 th peak is observed)
ILC-CAL Measurements are being performed, and details will be presented at ACFA8 Gain vs Bias voltage Gain vs temperature Noise vs Bias voltage Noise vs temperature Linearity/Dynamic range 100 pixel vs 400 pixel