11th OCTOBER, SATURDAY The Turkish team including 3 teachers and 4 students met at the Antalya Airport to departure for Italy. They arrived in Palazzolo in the afternoon.
12th OCTOBER 2014, SUNDAY The students and the teachers met at the school and departured Verona by bus. We all visited the Arena and the city of Verona. We also had to chance to see the house of Juliet. It is the house where Romeo and Juliet met for the first time at a party. Italian students guided us to visit the city. We had lunch and then departured to Brescia to visit Santa Gulia Museum guided by a Professional guide.
13th OCTOBER 2014, MONDAY All the students and teachers met at the school in the morning. The coordinator of the Project gave a warm wellcome speech. The first session was a workshop on different types of communication. Sudents presented their works and delivered the leaflets they prepared. The headmaster wellcomed all the guests. Some of the other students presented their works and videos on efficient communication. Students had feedbacks from the other students and teachers after their presentation to learn how to become a good presenter and a speaker in front of the audience. In the afternoon, the whole group was wellcomed by the major in the town hall. The major talked about the town and gave small presents and videos about the town to the delegates from each country. After that students and teachers had a tour of the city, Palazzola by the Italian students on foot.
14th OCTOBER 2014, TUESDAY The whole group met at the school and departured to Rodengo Sairana to visit “Musil, the industrial museum”. We were informed about how to the printing press work. The students had a workshop to do printing. At lunch time we had time to do shopping. In the afternoon there was another workshop for the students in Musil.
15th OCTOBER 2015, WEDNESDAY The Turkish team met in the school for saying goodby. They took some pictures for memory. They thanked to Italian team for their good organization and hospitality. Then they left the school for arriving Turkey.