Federalist #10 and Federalist #51 Madison’s Madness
Federalist #10 1.Eliminates faction 2.They made improvements, but don’t remove faction. 3.Complaints are true to a degree a)unstable government b)disregard public good c)majority rules
4.A group of people who share similar beliefs – and try to deny the rights of others. a)remove cause b)control effects 5.You can’t destroy liberty, that’s like removing air to stop fire. Without air, the fire would die, but so would we. The cure is worse than the disease.
6.It won’t work. People are imperfect and, therefore, will continue to have different opinions. 7.Faction is “sown into the nature of man.” It’s so serious that, when there’s nothing to fight about, we’ll make something up.
8.No. They won’t always be around and, after all, they are human, too. 9.Vote – majority wins in a democracy. 10.We must a)prevent their passion b)dilute their power
11.Democracy guarantees majority rule, while Republic “provides the cure we are seeking.” 12.Too small – faction can prevail / can’t see the big picture 12.Too big – confusion / can’t understand regional needs 13.Ratify the Constitution!
Federalist #51 1.Checks and balances / separation of powers 2.“a will of its own” OR “as little agency as possible” OR “as little dependent as possible on those others” 3.The people – they don’t understand or care about qualifications
4.Government needs to be able to control people and itself. 5.compound republic and factions 6.double security of rights a)federal vs. state b)executive vs. legislative vs. judicial 7.Majority rule a)will independent of people b)diversity – too many cultures
On to Federalism J. Nichols