ITM/S Governance Model
SAP & Rollout Shared Service | ITM/S Governance Model Department Site Owner Project Site Owner.
ITM/S Governance Model Department Admin /Team Site 15 GB Images and videos to be stored on the shared path Once Max Storage space reached notification will be sent to Project owner for archival process. Project Owner /Project Site 2 GB Once Max Storage space reached notification will be sent to Project owner for archival process. Archival Policy Site Retention Policy Archived on Demand Archiving of the data, if Department owner or project owner doesn’t responds within time frame. Adhoc Structured Short term Long term Governance ModelGovernance Model
SAP & Rollout Shared Service | ITM/S Best Practices for Sharepoint Site & Documents Library File servers are preferred for large document storage. SharePoint best handles documents in the 50- to 300-MB range and can handle documents up to 1 GB with configuration modifications, but documents over 1 GB must be stored on a file server. Information Management Policy should be there for each Library. Archival of the data should be in placed for each Documents Library based on the Governance Model. Site Retention Policy to be defined based on the Governance Model.