Welcome! BD Food Safety Consultants Presents Food Safety Guidance - Take Care of Your Health
How Safe is Your Food Even the healthiest of eaters have issues sometimes with food. You can enjoy a diet of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, and still end up sick. It is more than just eating healthy foods, the problem is food safety. Sometimes items can spoil or you may not prepare them properly and the next thing you know you are suffering from stomach pains, fever, and a variety of other symptoms. The good news is you can avoid a lot of these problems with careful food handling and a little knowledge about preparation. Your first step is to carefully observe the items you purchase at the grocery store. Wax packaging should be without tears or punctures, seafood packaging behind the counter should keep the items chilled at a safe temperature, and poultry boxes should be clean. Second step you should check the sell by dates before you buy.
Food is the basic need and necessary to survive. But can cause life threatening harm if safety is ignored. Therefore safety is must when we are talking about food. Food safety is a concept that forces everyone to wonder about health and well being. It affects everyone in the chain, whether it’s a manufacturer, producer or a consumer. Safety of food is a shared responsibility of all whoever belongs to the industry, either directly or indirectly.
Food is considered safe if it is free of toxins, pesticides, and chemical, physical contaminants, bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can cause illness. There are many factors that directly attack safety of food items and eatables then cause food borne illness. At a consumer level, some basic reason why bacteria start growing could be: Use of dirty hands while handling food items. It can spread germs and bacteria from our hands to the food items. Storage of food at wrong temperatures. Bacteria grow more rapidly in unsafe temperatures. Always keep in mind to cook or store food items in safe temperatures. Dirty work space can also cause contamination of food items. Utensils, cutting boards, cookware carry a number of micro bacteria when they are not used for a long time. Purchasing food from unsafe sources. All suppliers don’t worry about storing food safely. Buying food from an unhygienic place is like buying diseases.
How Food Safety Measured And Maintained? Everyone wants to keep their loved ones safe by bringing clean and fresh food items home. There could be so many possible ways to maintain healthy surroundings for the eatables you consume, but prioritizing cleanliness can make a huge difference. Hygiene can be maintained by focusing on following factors: Wash hands before touching any food item to prevent contamination of food with bacteria that spreads from dirty hands. Do use safe and clean water.
Store food at right temperature. Keep the items in the refrigerator as soon as you bring them. Keep the leftovers in cool place and always reheat them before use. Make sure the utensils you are going to use for cooking are clean. Cook for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature, it will kill the germs and bacteria if there is any.
Examine the place before purchasing any food item. If it looks dirty, don’t buy them. Avoid purchasing food from unsafe sources.
Contact Us If you want to know more guidance about food to stay fit and healthy, you can easily contact with us: Address Duncan Ct, Plainfield, Illinois, US Tel: bdfoodsafety.com