Enabling Collaborative Leadership Pioneer Programme A very brief introduction
Workforce Scotland Workforce Scotland is a Scottish Leaders Forum collaborative initiative to develop and support the workforce across public service organisations in Scotland. We want to ensure that everyone working together to improve Scottish public services has access to high quality, multi-disciplinary development opportunities which: Engage and motivate staff around delivery of outcomes and policy priorities Build skills and confidence to take an assets-based approach Create confidence to work across organisational boundaries Build capacity to collaborate
What is our Purpose? Enabling Collaborative Leadership Pioneer Programme is an offer of facilitation support for teams who, in the course of their everyday work, are seeking to deliver better outcomes through effective collaboration. Participation also gives access to a Peer Learning Network, to share learning across teams
What is our Purpose Today? To share what we are doing on the Enabling Collaborative Leadership Pioneer Programme and create an opportunity to experience a taste of what this means To invite your participation during 2015 as a potential participant team, as a member of the facilitation team or to join our Peer Learning Network To work together to co-create the first meeting of the Peer Learning Network, to focus on the issues which are important to you
Why a Pioneer Programme? This is a Pioneer Programme because 2015 will be a learning year, during which we learn with participants what kinds of approaches work best for different kinds of collaborations. This means that only a small number of teams will access support during 2015, although there are other ways to get involved. Our learning experience will then inform our future development offer.
What are we supporting you to do? Improve public services and achieve better outcomes, working cooperatively with individuals and communities Seek opportunities to build effective collaborative relationships then manage those relationships to build trust, confidence and credibility Think beyond the constraints of current ways of working, actively seeking the views of others and encouraging creativity and innovation Use evidence to inform development and recognise the potential to build evidence from current practice Share knowledge and information to obtain best value from it across public services.
What is the offer? Facilitated support with work that is real for you Personal Development to expand your collaborative capability Dedicated support over six months (in the first instance) from facilitators drawn from across public services who bring particular expertise relevant to the teams’ needs A peer learning network where participants regularly meet and learn from one another Access to a wider network of input on collaboration tools and practices AND for it to be enjoyable
Who are we working with already? In East Dunbartonshire with the Strategic Group on Health and Social Care Integration With a multi-agency team in East Lothian, working with identified families who are intensive users of services across agencies with the aim to develop a “Total Musselburgh Pilot” With a multi-partner team in Highland, exploring the impact of collaborative leadership on the challenging ambitions established for Highland through its Carbon Clever work.
A reflection from the Permanent Secretary… “If you are in an organisation where there’s work to be done to create the environment in which people have the skills and confidence to exercise judgement, and to work proactively with others, what do you do? How do you start?” Sir Peter Housden, 9 th February 2015
Pioneer Network Networking with other sites Formal learning input Sponsor Group Facilitation Pool Larger group with diverse skills and expertise Place for support, resourcing and learning Drawn from existing PS resources Pioneer Sites AlI into their shared issue at individual, group and system level Reflection, learning and better action Delivery of improved outcomes Evaluation What Works Scotland Design group process Pioneer programme Design Team Enabling Collaborative Leadership Pioneer Programme Shape an offer around leadership for more effective public services Enabling Collaborative Leadership
uncertainty complexity critical tame wicked Hard power Rational Soft power Grint There are solutions Role is to ask appropriate questions and engage in collaboration More complex and uncertain higher need for inquiry / questions / listening. Can’t be solved in Isolation. Sits outside the Hierarchy. Needs collective consent
Adapted from Chris Argyris Comes at you Literally makes a point Go deeper Go wider
Using evidence to transform public services for all of Scotland’s communities to flourish