Mission to ensure that the interests of civil society are represented in the debate Those who are marginalised need to included in this discussion Current debate is dominated by the voices of those with vested commercial interests Public Voice has a good track record and credibility
High quality Impartial news and current affairs Free to air Range of content for all audiences BBC and C4 regulated differently Mixed funding ecology
BBC Purposes Sustaining citizenship and civil society Promoting education and learning Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence Representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK In promoting its other purposes, helping to deliver to the public the benefit of emerging communications technologies and services and, in addition, taking a leading role in the switchover to digital television.
Channel 4 Remit Must demonstrate innovation and creativity Must appeal to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society Provide content for older children and young adults Must promote alternative views and new perspectives Must support and stimulate well-informed debate on a wide range of issues, including by providing access to information and views from around the world and by challenging established views Must provide access to material that is intended to inspire people to make changes in their lives.
ITV and Five To provide news in peak time To provide a limited amount of current affairs programming To generate growth in the creative industries by commissioning from UK independent companies
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT Having an engaged population Independence of journalism Greater social cohesion Shining a spotlight on issues which otherwise we wouldn’t be aware of Employability Education, information and entertainment
WHY IS THIS RELEVANT TO ME? Communicating with a mass audience Changing social norms Genres other than news which emotionally engage
Current Context BBC Charter Review ongoing White Paper expected May/July BBC budgets already cut by 15-20% for the next five years Government considering change to BBC’s scale and scope Channel 4 change of model being considered
Future landscape? Greater distinctiveness – could be a good outcome for audiences but will reduce popularity and reach of BBC and Channel 4 This will lead to the current funding models being unsustainable High quality content which isn’t commercially attractive will be pushed further to the margins If you want such content you may have to pay extra for it under a subscription service
What next? Public Voice representing the interests of civil society organisations to the Government Meeting with Parliamentarians Briefing event mid-May Respond to the BBC White Paper Engage in debate about Channel 4
Sophie Chalk Tel: Jane Saunders Tel: