Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management
2 About the faculty NTNUs largest faculty with about 7000 students and 600 person-years Accounts for 28 % of the total credit production at NTNU Vocational studies in Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Psychology and 5-year Teacher Education Our research and researchers are often in the media, only the Science Museum has a higher frequency
3 Faculty administration structure Dean Human Resources IT-Section General Office Administration Studies and Research Section The Economy Section Vice-Deans
4 Organizational structure Dean Faculty administration The Departments Vice-Deans
5 Staff
6 Students In total: 7006 students in 2013
7 Media coverage Source: Retriever
8 Research Great width. Examples: Human and physical geography Entrepreneurship and innovation Political economy Disability in a social sciences perspective Children’s rights in a global perspective Special education Teacher education and school developement Distance psychology Modernisation and globalisation Adults conditions for learning and education
9 SVT and NTNUs thematic priority areas Sustainable community development o Climate change o Natural resources and resource management Ocean space: o Maritime management, Environmental management, Safety, Logistics Energy: o CenSES Health and welfare technology: o Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources o Mental health and development in children o Health economy o Cognitive therapy o Health sociology
10 Schools of Research Multidisciplinary researchers in educational research EDWOR - Enterprise Development and Work- life Research NAFOL - National Researcher School of Education Norwegian Researcher School in Geography Research School in Peace and Conflict NORSI - Norwegian Research School in Innovation
11 Major projects at the faculty Research Centre for Health Promotion and Resources CenSES NTNU KOMPiS Centres of Excellence with PRIO TSO Globalization Comptence Centres for PPT
12 Continuing and further education Master of Management Master of School Management Master of Technology Management Master of Educational-psychological Councelling Experience based Master’s programme in Special Education Human Movement Science, Africa Studies, Distance Learning 7,5 % of all the credit production at the faculty 41 % (49% in 2010) of NTNUs continuing education offer
13 Departments
14 Department of Geography Geography is a broad and complex field. Most of the research and teaching is anchored in either social or natural sciences Programmes of study –One-year programme in Geography –Bachelor of Social Science in Geography –Master of Science in Geography –MSc in Natural Resources Management –MPhil in Development Studies – Specialising in Geography –Globalization – Global Politics and Culture (MSc) –Globalization – Global Technology Management (MSc) –PhD in Geography Areas of research –Developement and Social Changes in the South –City, Countryside and Region –Landscape and Society –Geographic Information Science and Geographic Information Systems(GIS)
15 Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management The department’s field is wide; finance and administration for industry and public administration combined with technology and basic knowledge in mathematics and natural science disciplines Programmes of study –Industrial Economics and Technology Management (5 year integrated master’s) –Master of Science in Safety, Health and Environment –Entrepreneurship – NTNU School of Entrepreneurship –MSc in Project Management –PhD programme in Industrial Economics and Technology Management Research focus –Corporate Finance –Corporate Social Responsibility –Energy Economics –Entrepreneurship and Innovation –Health, Environment and Safety –Industrial Economics –International Marketing and Internationalisation –Logistics and Purchasing Management –Operation Analysis –Organisational Development –Project Management
16 Department of Economics The department’s study and research focus is mainly related to public finance and labor economics. There is also considerable research in fields such as economic growth, environmental and resource economics, development economics, macroeconomics as well as financial markets and education economics Programmes of study –One-year programmes: Economics –Bachelor: Political Economy Economics –Master: Financial Economics Economics –Integrated Master’s Degree in Economics (5 years) –PhD: Economics Research focus –Development Economics –Econometrics –Education Economics –Environmental Economics –Financial Economics –Labor Economics –Macroeconomics –Political Economy
17 Department of Social Work and Health Science The Department of Social Work and Health Science offers instruction and research in the health sciences, social work as well as disability and society Programmes of study –Master: Social Work Health Science Disability Studies –PhD: Social Work Health Science Research focus –Health Promotion and Prevention –Disability Studies –Diversity and Inclusion –Studies on Social Services
18 Department of Sociology and Political Science The Department of Sociology and Political Science (ISS) will conduct research and teaching in the key areas of sociology, political science, media and sport science. We aim to be at an international level Programmes of study –One-year programmes: Physical Education and Sport Social Studies Sociology Political Science –Bachelor: Political Science Sociology Sport Science –Master: Sociology Political Science Media, Communication and Information Technology Sport Science Master of Management (Lifelong Learning) –PhD: Sociology Political Science Research focus –Welfare and Social Inequality –Sport, Leisure and Culture –Comparative and International Politics –Family and Childhood –Organization and Work –Energy and Environment –Media and Political Behavior –ICT in the Public Sector
19 Department of Education The Department of Education shall safeguard education as a wide-oriented academic subject. Through conducting basic and applied research, teaching and public-oriented dissemination Programmes of study –One-year programme in Education –Bachelor of Social Sciences in Education –Master of Science in Education and Upbringing Special Education Early Childhood Education –PhD in Education Research focus –Educational Psychology –Educational Philosophy –Didactics –History of Education and Historical Education –Educational Sociology –Special Education –Counselling and Media Education
20 Programme for Teacher Education The programme has an extensive practical pedagogical education covering research and development aimed at the school, classroom and workshop Programmes of Study –Teacher Education –Master of School Management –Master of the Teacher Profession and Teaching Practice –Master’s Degree programmes with teacher training Geography History Natural Science Social Science Foreign Language –In-service educational training for academic staff –Master of Science in Didactics The Methodology of the Aesthetics Foreign Language Natural Science Social Studies –PhD in Education Research Focus A scientific profile based on innovation and critical reflection in education
21 Department of Psychology The department’s primary objective is to manage, develop and create psychological knowledge in such a way that NTNU will be a key contributor in both the Norwegian and the international community Programmes of study –One-year programme in Psychology –Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology –Master in Psychology: Specialisiation in Learning – Brain, Behavior, Environment Specialisation in Work and Organisational Psychology –Clinical Programme in Psychology –PhD in Psychology Research focus –Anxiety and OCD –Mental Disorders in Children –Risk Perception –Movement Science –Organization and Health –Memory Biology –Learning and Skill Development –Neuropsychological Development Research –Speech Perception –Evolutionary Psychology
22 Department of Social Anthropology The Institute's activities take place in all parts of the world, and includes the study of traditional societies, processes of globalisation and modernity of expression Programmes of study –One-year programme: African Studies Social Anthropology –Bachelor’s degree: African Studies Social Anthropology –Master’s degree programme in Social Anthropology –Master’s degree programme in African Studies –PhD in Social Anthropology Research Focus –Modernisation and Social Change in Ethiopia and East Africa –Globalisation: Standardisation and Cultural Creativity / Improvisation –Religion and Knowledge Systems –Labour Relations and Migration –Experience Economy
23 Norwegian Centre for Child Research NOSEB creates insight into children’s activities through education and research during their childhood, and by initiating and conducting interdisciplinary research projects Programmes of study –MPhil in Childhood Studies –PhD Programme in Interdisciplinary Child Research Research Focus –Childhood, Culture and Society –Media and Consumption –Rights, Health and Welfare –Kindergarten, School and Spare-time –Poverty
24 Department of Adult Learning and Counselling The Institute's vision is to develop adult education and counseling science into a unique interdisciplinary research area with significant relevance for researchers, students, practitioners and other social actors with interests in the field Programmes of study –Bachelor in Counseling and Adult Education –Master of Science: Adult Learning Counseling Research focus –Learning- and Skill Development in the Workplace –Citizenship, Identity and Participation –Competence Policy –Terms of Adult Learning and Education –Technology-rich Learning Environment –Adults with Special Learning Needs –Diversity in Education, Employment and Society –Public Education and Formation –Recruitment, Motivation, Dropout and Dividends –Supervising Adults –Leadership and Innovation –Health, Learning and Skills
25 twitter.com/SVTfakultetet