LEARN TENNIS F.A.S.T. Fun Adult Starter Tennis (Quickstart for adults) Wayne Elderton Head of Coaching Development & Certification - BC
QUESTION “What are the contributing factors to starter players not having fun in lessons and continuing to further levels of play?” Around the world an average 70% drop-out rate
LEARN TENNIS F.A.S.T. This presentation will cover a successful example of a program that introduces tennis to beginner players. The Fun Adult Starter Tennis program has been used to gain a 70% retention rate. It is based on using ‘Progressive Tennis’ (Quickstart) with modified courts and balls. Outcome: Presentation participants will learn basic principles of Progressive Tennis that accelerate learning in adults and see how the FAST program is structured and implemented
Program Principles Contrast: Tradition ‘stroke’ teaching vs using a Game-based Approach Employ ‘Progressive Tennis’ Organize for maximum repetition and participation (enjoyment & improvement) Lead into League play
Lesson #1: Introduce skills on a RED Court (36 foot) RED COURT TENNIS
Lesson #1: Introduce the ‘essence’ of tennis Two players who serve, rally, score across the net (singles) The world’s 2 nd best tennis drill Movement cycle Introduce basic play skills using RED Court (36 foot) Self-rally Partner rally (no net) Partner Rally (over net) Play Red Court Tennis
Development Principles Tactical Development Keep the ball in play by consistently being able to send a neutral ball with medium arc and speed. Technical Development Fundamentals Grip/Set-up/Impact Point/Hitting Zone/Recovery PAS Principles Path of Racquet/Angle/Speed
Development Principles Use a cooperative format Empower players to practise with each other Train ‘adaptive’ reception skills Use the ‘Accordion’ process Rally Grip practise Set-up practise Impact Point practise Hitting Zone practise Recovery practise
Lesson 2: Refine skills from Service line to service line and introduce an Orange Low-compression ball
Lesson #3: Refine skills on an Orange Court ORANGE COURT TENNIS
Lesson #4: Introduce play on a Green Court GREEN COURT TENNIS
Green Court League Doubles Round Robin format Coach runs sessions No scores recorded
Resources FAST Manual Tennis Canada ½ Court DVD USTA Quickstart resources