QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN HUMAN RESOURCE. Quote, “… "Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish." Sam Walton”
DEFINITIONS. Human Resource: William R. Tracey, say’s: it’s The people that staff and operate an organization"; as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. It’s also the organizational function that deals with the people and issues related to them such as compensation, hiring, performance management, and training.
CONT’ Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets — the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business ( e_management)
Total Quality Management :- “ …a management approach of an organization, centered on quality, based on participation of all members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all members of the organization and the society ”. It is a continuous process of improvement for individuals, and whole organization. (Rae, Ashok & et al,)
Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) : is the pattern of planned human resources deployments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals.
Objectives for Total Quality Human Resource Management. As companies begin to compete in the challenging business environment of the new millennium, an ever- increasing reason for success lies in the function of effective Human Resource Management (HRM). Controlling the physical, organizational, information and human resources gives the company the competitive advantage. Mission towards Facilitating Organizational transformation & managing human side of changes. Practice benchmarked with globally successful business and people management strategies.
It places personnel in tandem with commercial processes and legal procedures. Improves Flexibility, innovation, creativity and adaptability as core elements involving professional contacts. Quality as a necessary tool to compete successfully in worldwide markets and the philosophy of total quality management (TQM). Quality improvement programs typically involve the directed efforts of quality improvement (QI) teams. Using teams and empowering employees to solve quality-related issues
ADVANTAGES Significant roles in organizations Policy and management positions Successful international managers Customized training solutions including:
Team Building and Attitudinal Workshops FMCG Sales Force Training Performance Enhancement Systems Personality Development Leadership & Motivation Small Group Activities Quality Circles Total Quality Management Kaizen TRAINING SOLUTIONS
APPROACHES. What is the role of human resource management? Apart from implementing total quality management, this department also has major focus on recruitment, selection, appraisal, and reward system development to institutionalize a quality-first orientation. Developing quality across the entire firm becomes its important function. A failure on HRM's part to recognize this opportunity and act on it may result in the loss of TQM implementation responsibilities to other departments with less expertise in training and development.
The ultimate consequence of this loss is an ineffective application of the TQM strategy. Thus, HRM should act as the pivotal change agent necessary for the successful implementation of TQM as a Strategic business partner, Change Agent, Employee champion and Administration Expert
HRM as a Role Model for TQM HRM can jumpstart the TQM process by becoming a role model. This means that HRM has two specific tasks: "Serving our customers, and making a significant contribution to running the business." This emphasis on customer oriented service means that the HR department must see other departments in the firm as their customer groups for whom making continuing improvements in service becomes a way of life.
In their efforts to achieve total quality management, HRM can demonstrate commitment to TQM principles by soliciting feedback from its internal customer groups on current HR services. HRM should include suggestions from its customers in setting objective performance standards and measures. In other words, there are a number of specific TQM principles that the HR department can model.
The human resources department has internal customers to satisfy, which indirectly provides ultimate satisfaction to external customers.
How do you motivate performance? Training, Incentives or reward systems, Enhancers, Emoluments, performance contracting, management style. Recruitment policies and procedures, appraisal and TQM in practice for HRM might also mean periodic surveys, both formal and face-to-face, to monitor senior management's levels of satisfaction as the TQM process unfolds. Building Corporate Cultures or organizational norms. Beyond modeling TQM, the HR department, with senior management's support, can play a leading role in implementing a quality strategy across the firm.
APPLICATION SYSTEMS of QMHR Value HR™, Enterprise Performance Management, Google Apps over Microsoft Exchange, Statistical process control. (SPC) also known as statistical quality control (SQC), focuses on defect prevention as opposed to defect correction. Defect prevention results from continuously monitoring and improving the process - refers to service delivery as well as manufacturing.
TQHRM IN ACTION. Agree on Job expectations. Assess employee performance. Document development plan. On going development. Improve employee contribution. Analyze the results.