26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam 2008 26 May 20081 ILC Detectors and Detector View of MDI.


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Presentation transcript:

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May ILC Detectors and Detector View of MDI

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May This is the 3 rd workshop in the series as we all know. Notice the blossoming of logos! And where does this one come from… ???

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May It started at the LC92,LC93 workshops in Garmisch- Partenkirchen,SLAC to emphasize the correlation between the three, and ended up in a contribution to Nanobeam02… …and I shall follow the circle clockwise for this talk: 0-Machine… 1-Physics… 2-Detector… 3-MDI… In addition to my own, I have borrowed some slides from several colleagues for this talk, to give a better feel for the activities…Thanks to them!

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May International Linear Collider ITRP Technology decision: COLD superconducting à la TESLA chosen Baseline: 200 GeV < √s < 500 GeV Integrated luminosity ~ 500 fb -1 in 4 years 80 % e- beam polarisation Upgrade to 1TeV,  L = 1 ab -1 in 3 years 2 interaction regions Concurrent running with the LHC from 2015

26/05/20085 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May 2008 The Global Design Effort Formal organization began at LCWS 05 at Stanford in March 2005 when Barry became director of the GDE ‘Technically Driven Schedule’ 2005, very optimistic, but we have to be… BILC07 Beijing: RDR(+cost), DCR TechDesignPhase: Machine LOIs: Detectors You are here

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May All the goals in the first timeline were met up to fall 2007! Then came financial problems…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May RDR Machine  Physics (since detector design is driven by the physics, look at that first)

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Machine->Physics… from my talk at the Arlington LC Workshop January 2003:

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Example of the value of precision measurements, e.g. our astro colleagues …

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Latest ‘5-year’ results Multipole expansion: measure the structure of the fluctuations and…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May NB. Not only WMAP data going into this ΛCDM model, still not bad! …understand the composition of our universe: We also have a chance to understand this…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Why do we think indirect, precision e+e- measurements will tell us anything??? CERN Courier, Nov 2005 :

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Now, same game with the Higgs: CERN Courier, Nov 2005

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Recent electroweak combinations (mainly e+e- + ppbar data):

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May …the Higgs? …the Higgs? Expt (GeV)Decay Channel (GeV/c 2 )ln(1+s/b) 115 GeV/c 2 1ALEPH jet ALEPH jet ALEPH jet L3206.4E-miss OPAL jet Delphi jet ALEPH205.0Lept ALEPH208.1Tau ALEPH jet OPAL jet And in addition we have LEP events… And in addition we have LEP events…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Need highest luminosity Precision for 1 ab -1 :

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May “Loop corrections” and precision measurements make the ILC sensitive to physics way beyond the c.m. energy of the machine…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May y +NP= ILC

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Now 2x10-5/(GeV/c) Now 0.25/  Zpeak Particle Flow Physics  Now to the detector. We want:

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Andrei Seryi at IRENG07 : Detector - machine interfaces The two complementary detectors for ILC IR may have different design, sizes, etc. Differences of their interfaces to the machine should be understood, and if possible, unified LDC+GLD now joined = “ILD” for LOI

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Borrowed from Henri Videau at a CLIC workshop; we are discussing with them about the detector (ILC has done a lot of work on the detector)… Joined to ‘ILD’ for LOI

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Now we shall take a look at the subdetectors…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Physics determines detector design « momentum: d(1/p) ~.9x10 -4 /GeV (TPC only) ~.3x10 -4 /GeV(w/IP) (1/10xLEP ) e + e -  ZH  ll  X goal:  eV  tracking efficiency: 98% (overall ) excellent and robust tracking efficiency by combining vertex detector and TPC, each with excellent tracking efficiency

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Calorimeters

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Inner Detectors  back to Machine since this is complicated real-estate where MDI, machine and detector elements are critical…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Steel Yoke (no yoke for 4 th ) Solenoid HCal ECal TPC or Si Tracker Antisolenoid Low Z Mask Vertex Detector IP Chamber BeamCal FD Cryostats LumiCal Detectors Working progress John Amann, et al Each part of FD cryostats will have movers to align Cryostats as a whole(?), And support parts of FD Cryostats may need to be equipped with optical or mechanical lock-in systems, to minimize their relative motion on nm level.

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Combination of detector and machine elements.“Detector view of MDI”? Nanobeam02 paper… Many very correlated tasks!!

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May In preparing this talk, I noticed the differend ways to categorize… Nanobeam 02 paper: Karsten Buesser CLIC talk: vibration, optics, instrumentatn, background, engineering Andrei Seryi IRENG07: Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Toshiaki Tauchi, Karsten Buesser et al ILD MDI/Integration list: 1.IR issues/tasks 2.Detector Integration taskd 3.Push-pull issues/tasks Many subitems under each point, as you can see next 

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Vibration—det-hall design to avoid unwanted (μm-mm!) vibrations Optics—machine, BDS design/layout (details in Andrei’s talk today) Instrumentation/diagnostics—fast feedback,beamcal e.g. Background—beam induced bgrd,inner detector design Engineering— Detector design/integration MDI magnets (antiDID) IR hall/push-pull design (Andrei’s talk today) Shielding Etc… Combining MDI/Integration makes a lot of sense, as the IRENG07 workshop, the ILD task list and Andrei’s/Toshiaki’s lists today show, maybe something like:

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May Some final examples of MDI/Integration…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May The Desy integration group can covert Catia step files to IDEAS…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May More by Mattieu Jore on integration…

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May

26/05/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich Nanobeam May No Conclusion Many correlated/challenging issues Nevertheless progress by our excellent and highly motivated machine physicists is evolving well Iterating on engineering designs W.I.P., ‘interface’ (=‘integration’?) document April 2009 will be very significant (will it give ‘Master Lists’?)