UNIVERSITY OF EAST SARAJEVO Vice-rector for international cooperation and quality assurance Prof. Dejan Bokonjić, PhD Ghent, 25/ Project number: EPP BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
University of East Sarajevo Address: Vuka Karadzica 30, East Sarajevo Tel/ fax: Web site: Type of institution: Public Founded: Founder: National Assembly of Republic of Srpska Number of students: ( ) Number of teaching staff: 953 Number of administrative staff: 398 Number of organizational units: 17 in 10 university centers Number of study programs of I cycle: 48 Number of study programs of II cycle: 42 Basic data
Cycles of education Three cycle system of organization studies I study cycle ECTS, 360 ECTS (Medicine, Dentistry) II study cycle ECTS III study cycle ECTS Most of the study programs are organized by system 4 + 1, only three are organized by the system. Officially, all organizational units are organized studies in accordance with Bologna principles from the academic year 2007 / 08 (I study cycle ), and from the academic year 2011/12 (II study cycle ). Merging of programs Introducing new methodologies and approaches Developing new competence based approach Creation of joint programs with industry and other institutions
Faculties Number of Courses Academy of Fine Arts37 Faculty of Economics Brcko32 Faculty of Economics Pale36 Faculty of Electrical Engineering48 Faculty of Physical Education55 Faculty of Business Economy34 Faculty of Production Engineering and Management57 Faculty of Philosophy11 study programmes, each programme has about 48 courses Faculty of Civil Engineering55 Faculty of Medicine105 Academy of Music20 Faculty of Teacher Education42 Faculty of Agriculture42 Faculty of Law40 Faculty of Theology57 Faculty of Transport Engineering50 Faculty of Technology45 Number of courses
Organizational and Management structure UES is integrated university from faculties and academies, and Rectorate are organizational units of UES. The management body – Steering Board. The highest academic body – Senate. Management authority – Rector. 5 vice-rectors. 4 professional councils of Senate.
Mission (our goal... why are we here?) Our mission is to provide intellectual and stimulating environment for learning, research and the art of making a contribution to the social, economic and cultural progress in line with the projected regional and international development. Vision (where we strive to be in the future?) Our vision is to be recognized at the regional and international level through excellence in teaching, research and the arts. Values (what we stand for?) INTEGRITY – RESPONSIBILITY – PARTNERSHIP – COLLEAGUES – EXCELLENCE – INNOVATION – CREATIVITY – EQUALITY – CARE ENVIRONMENT-INTERNATIONALIZATION
Мисија Универзитета је да обезбједи својим корисницима стицање образовних и истраживачких компетенција којима ће они достићи образовне и професионалне стандарде потребне за социјални, економски и културни напредак у складу са пројектованим домаћим и међународним приоритетима. Визија Универзитета је да постане препознатљив на регионалном и међународном нивоу кроз изврсност у настави, истраживању и умјетности. ИнтегритетОдговорностСарадња Усмјереност на студенте КолегијалностИзврсност Одрживост студијских програма Европска повеља и кодекс за истраживаче Институционалн а интеграција Људски ресурсиИнфраструктурни капитал Студенти Финансијска одрживостСистем осигурања квалитета Перспективе Вриједности Визија Мисија Финансијска Корисничка Интерни процеси Учење и раст Стратегијски покретачи Стратегијска тема 1 Сарадња с окружењем Организациони раст Унапређење ресурса Стратегијска тема 2 Стратегијска тема 3 Стратегијска тема 4 Стратегијска тема 5 Стратегијска тема 6 Strategic platform
Licensing and Accreditation Licensing of study programs is regulated by Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska, Regulation on licensing of the Government of the Republic of Srpska and university procedure for proposing study programs. Ministry of education and culture of Republic of Srpska All study programs are licensed by Ministry (53 I cycle, 43 II cycle). UES is accredited by Agency for accreditation of HEI of Republic of Srpska. The application was submitted in May The visit by External Commission was in January Re-accreditation will be for 5 years. Accreditation of study programs. Criteria for accreditation. ESABIH project.
Quality assurance University of East Sarajevo is fully accredited institution by HEARS and HEA and is the first higher education institution in BH put into Register of Accredited institutions QA office and Committee Process of accreditation of study programs (6 already finished) Self-assessment reports and auditing Student inquiries/ feedback New strategy and other key documents
11 Number of projects (blue – national, red – international)
13 Investments and development New equipment and infrastructure (Austrian grant (17+10 million euros), different EU projects, Government and Ministry of Education of Republic of Srpska) Innovation Center Strategic agreements with work-field Close connection between faculties and work-field
International relations 1.European University Association (EUA) 2.WUS Austria 3.CEEPUS 4.TEMPUS 5.Erasmus + 14
International relations Internationalization seen as a strategic goal of our University Introducing mechanisms that will ensure an international dimension of study and research programs Building of the University International Relations Office - one of the first steps in the ongoing University reform 15
16 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Few employed persons Different bylaws Strategy for internationalization Different educations for staff and students Different educations for employees
International relations International cooperation at the University level is the responsibility of the Rector and, upon his authorizations, one of Vice-Rectors (for International Relations and Research Matters) Main logistics is provided by the International Relations Officer University presently has two senior officers in charge of international and public relations activities 17
18 The University of East Sarajevo has over 130 bilateral agreements signed with partner universities at home and abroad. These bilateral agreements regulate different types of cooperation, such as work on subjects and projects of common interest, exchange of scholars and students, joint publications, exchange of information and other activities in order to improve the academic cooperation. Certain organisational units/faculties of the University of East Sarajevo have also a number of bilateral agreements signed with their partner faculties abroad. The University of East Sarajevo is a member of several university networks and international associations - European University Association; - EUA, the Network of Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, BiH Rectors Conference, etc. International and Interuniversity Cooperation
19 International and Interuniversity Cooperation Ceepus and Ministry of Education RS-40 representatives of students and staff Bilateral agreements and projects/more than 100 students and staff Currently running 12 international projects Two new Erasmus capacity building projects
20 Science and Research The University of East Sarajevo has participated in 24 TEMPUS projects since 2000, two FP6 projects, one FP7 project; and other international project Developing Centres of Excellence for Research (Medicine, Transportation, Food technology, Engineering and Agriculture) New doctoral programs New preconditions for passing is one to another academic conditions
21 The University of East Sarajevo has participated in 24 TEMPUS projects since 2000, two FP6 projects, one FP7 project; and other international project Developing Centres of Excellence for Research (Medicine, Transportation, Food technology, Engineering and Agriculture) New doctoral programs New preconditions for passing is one to another academic conditions
22 To provide the students with professional knowledge apt to the changing demands of the local, national, or international environment; To strengthen its international features in preparing students to succeed in the global society and in facilitating teaching staff and students mobility.
23 Future priorities Restructuring of programs and updating curricula with Involvement of stakeholders/competence based approach Internationalization Mobility of staff and students Accreditation of all study programs Doctoral studies and enhancing research New strategic plan of the University Finishing infrastructural investments (dormitories, new faculty buildings, additional equipment, new Rector office…) Integration of University should be continued
Academy of Fine Arts, 1 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 5 cathedra Trebinje Production and Management Faculty, 2 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 3 cathedra Trebinje
Faculty of Medicine, 4 study program of I cycle, 4 study program of II cycle, 12 cathedra Trebinje Faculty of Ortodox Theology, 3 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra Trebinje Foča
Academy of Music, 2 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra Trebinje Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 3 study program of I cycle, 3 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra Trebinje Foča Istočno Sarajevo Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra Faculty of Agriculture, 3 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 7 cathedra
Faculty of Economics, 2 study program of I cycle, 5 study program of II cycle, 5 cathedra Trebinje Faculty of Philosophy, 19 study program of I cycle, 13 study program of II cycle, 19 cathedra Trebinje Foča Istočno Sarajevo Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, 2 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra Faculty of Law, 1 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 6 cathedra Pale
Faculty of Education, 3 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra Trebinje Faculty of Business and Economics, 1 study program of I cycle, 3 study program of II cycle, 7 cathedra Trebinje Bijeljina
Faculty of Technology, 3 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 8 cathedra Trebinje Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 1 study program of I cycle, 1 study program of II cycle, 9 cathedra Trebinje Zvornik Doboj Brčko Faculty of Economics, 1 study program of I cycle, 2 study program of II cycle, 4 cathedra
Thank you for attention!