Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 1 05/06/2016 Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows Programme Lot4 : Jordan, Syria, Lebanon Dr. Rand EL-Kouatly Erasmus Mundus Coordinator - Syria Faculty of Information Technology
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 2 05/06/2016 Introduction Erasmus Mundus? It is a European project that organize the motilities within European countries, in higher Education Sector. The mobility is the student easy exchange between the European universities. Why it is easy?
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 3 05/06/2016 Erasmus Mundus II ( ) Erasmus Mundus joint masters programs and joint doctoral programs of outstanding academic quality, including a scholarship scheme Partnerships between EU and 3C HEI in specific regions as a basis for structural co- operation and mobility at all levels of higher education Measures enhancing the attractiveness of the EU as an education destination MEUR for Actions 1 and 3 Around 460 MEUR available for Action 2
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 4 05/06/2016 Action 2: Partnerships Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation window? Large partnerships between HEIs in EU and Non EU in a specific region Scholarships for Non EU and EU nationals of varying length (3 months to 3 years) Scholarships for bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students and HE staff (training, teaching, research) Mobility not linked to specific programs (all programs on offer in partnerships can be followed) Special attention paid to socio-economically disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation Anti brain-drain measures
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 5 05/06/2016 Project objective Mutual enrichment and better understanding between the European Union and non-European countries, through the exchange of: - persons, - Knowledge - and skills at higher education level.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 6 05/06/2016 Project objective To enhance the international cooperation capacity of universities in third-countries by facilitating transfer of know- how and good practices in the field of student and academic staff mobility. To enable students to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country. To improve the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications. To contribute and providing good students from vulnerable groups (i.e. refugees, displaced populations, disabled foreign students, etc) with further education.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 7 05/06/2016 Enlarged Geographical regions for the Academic year 2008/ Neighbourhood (ENP) Mediterranean countries Europe Middle-East (DCI) Neighbourhood (ENP) East- Europe + Russia Central Asia (DCI) Latin America Asia Caribbean Pacific Africa Different Lots for 2009/10 Western Balkans US and Canada Gulf and SA
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 8 05/06/2016 Project Activities The European Commission will contribute to financing a mobility scheme between European universities holding an Erasmus Charter and Non- European-country universities. The types of mobility to be funded are: For academic staff: exchanges for the purposes of teaching, practical training and research For students: undergraduate, master, doctorate mobility opportunities.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 9 05/06/2016 Mobility type per target group and duration Type of MobilityTarget Group 1Target Group 2Target Group 3 Undergraduate students6-10 months 6-34 months Masters students EU: 6-10 months TC: 6-22 months 6-22 months Doctorate students6-34 months Post-doctorate students6-10 months Academic staff1-3 monthsNot applicable
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 10 05/06/2016 Target Group and Activities Target group 1 Students and academic staff registered in one of the member universities of the partnership. Target group 2 Nationals of the third-countries concerned by the geographical lot, registered in a higher education institution of these countries not included in the partnership or having obtained in an institution of these countries a university degree or equivalent. Target group 3 Nationals of the third-countries concerned by the geo-graphical lot who are in particularly vulnerable situations. It may cover mobility for students holding the nationality of one of the third-countries concerned and having a refugee status or asylum beneficiaries, unjustified expulsion from university on racial, ethnic, religious, political, gender or sexual inclination grounds.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 11 05/06/2016 Erasmus Mendus Lot 4 Europe Jordan Syria Lebanon
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 12 05/06/2016 Universities taking part in this Erasmus Mundus External 1.Lund University, Sweden (Lead/Coordinating university) 2.Masaryk University, Czech Republic 3.Berlin University of Technology, Germany 4.University of Granada, Spain 5.Lille University of Sciences and Technology, France 6.University of Bologna, Italy 7.Montpellier University, France 8.Vilnius University, Lithuania 9.Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 10.Leiden University, Netherlands 11.University of Zagreb, Croatia 1.University of Jordan, Jordan 2.Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan 3.Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan 4.Tafila Technical University, Jordan 5.Hashemite University, Jordan 6.University of Aleppo, Syria 7.University of Damascus, Syria 8.Lebanese University Faculty of Sciences, Lebanon 9.American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 13 05/06/2016 Field of Studies Agriculture Sciences Education, Teacher Training Languages and Philological SciencesNatural Sciences 01.1 Agriculture 05.1 Teacher Training 09.1 Modern EC Languages 13.1 Biology 01.2 Agricultural Economics 05.2 Primary Education 09.2 General and comparative literature 13.2 Physics 01.3 Food Science and Technology 05.3 Secondary Education 09.3 Linguistics 13.3 Chemistry 01.4 Horticulture 05.4 Vocational and Technical Education 09.4 Translation, Interpretation 13.4 Microbiology, Biotechnology 01.5 Fisheries 05.5 Adult Education 09.5 Classical Philology 13.5 Nuclear and High Energy Physics 01.6 Forestry 05.6 Special Education 09.6 Non-EC Languages 13.6 Biochemistry 01.7 Animal Husbandry 05.7 Educational Science, Comparative Education 09.8 Less Widely Taught Languages 13.7 Astronomy, Astrophysics 01.8 Tropical/Subtropical Agriculture 05.8 Educational Psychology 09.9 Others – Languages and Philological 13.8 Oceanography 01.9 Others – Agricultural Sciences 05.9 Others – Education, Teacher Training Law13.9 Others – Natural Sciences Architecture, Urban and Regional PlanningEngineering, Technology 10.1 Comparative Law, Law with Languages Social Sciences 02.1 Architecture 06.1 Mechanical Engineering 10.2 International Law 14.1 Political Science 02.2 Interior Design 06.2 Electrical Engineering 10.3 Civil Law 14.2 Sociology 02.3 Urban Planning 06.3 Chemical Engineering 10.4 Criminal Law, Criminology 14.3 Economics 02.4 Regional Planning 06.4 Civil Engineering 10.5 Constitutional /Public Law 14.4 Psychology and Behavioural Sciences 02.5 Landscape Architecture 06.5 Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications 10.6 Public Administration 14.5 Social Work 02.6 Transport and Traffic Studies 06.6 Manufacturing Sciences (CAD, CAM, CAE) 10.7 European Community/EU Law 14.6 International Relations, European Studies, 02.9 Others – Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning 06.7 Materials Science 10.9 Others – Law 14.7 Anthropology Art and Design 06.8 Aeronautical Engineering Mathematics, Informatics 14.8 Development Studies 03.1 Fine Art (Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking) 06.9 Others – Engineering, Technology 11.1 Mathematics 14.9 Others – Social Sciences 03.2 Music and Musicology Geography, Geology 11.2 Statistics Communication and Information Sciences 03.3 Performing Arts 07.1 Geography 11.3 Informatics, Computer Science 15.1 Journalism 03.4 Photography, Cinematography 07.2 Environmental Sciences, Ecology 11.4 Artificial Intelligence 15.2 Radio/TV Broadcasting 03.5 Design (Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Textile) 07.3 Geology 11.5 Actuarial Science 15.3 Public Relations, Publicity, Advertising 03.6 History of Art 07.4 Soil and Water Sciences 11.9 Others – Mathematics, Informatics 15.4 Library Science 03.9 Others – Art and Design 07.6 Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing Medical Sciences 15.5 Documentation, Archiving Business Studies, Management Science 07.7 Meteorology 12.1 Medicine 15.6 Museum Studies, Conservation 04.1 Business Studies with languages 07.9 Others – Geography, Geology 12.2 Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 15.9 Others – Communication and Information 04.2 Business Studies with technology Humanities 12.3 Dentistry Other Areas of Study (specify in free ) 04.3 Accountancy, Financial Management 08.1 Philosophy 12.4 Veterinary Medicine 16.1 Physical Education, Sport Science 04.4 Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management 08.2 Theology 12.5 Pharmacy 16.2 Leisure Studies 04.5 Industrial Relations and Personnel Management 08.3 History 12.6 Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy 16.3 Home Economics, Nutrition 04.6 Secretarial Studies 08.4 Archaeology 12.7 Public Health 16.4 Nautical Science, Navigation 04.7 Marketing and Sales Management 08.9 Others – Humanities 12.8 Medical Technology 16.9 Others in Other Areas of Study 04.9 Others – Business Studies, Management Science 12.9 Others – Medical Sciences
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 14 05/06/2016 Number of Mobilities for Syria in 2010 Call Syria Undergraduates ,000 € Masters ,000 € Doctorate ,000 € Post-Doctorate ,800 € Academic Staff ,000 € Syria Masters ,000 € Doctorate ,000 € Post-Doctorate Syria Undergraduates ,000 € Masters ,000 € Doctorate Post-Doctorate Mobility flows Up to 9 months From 10 to 22 months More than 22 months TOTAL PersonsMonths PersonsMonths PersonsMonths PersonsMonthsAmount Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Total Scholarship
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 15 05/06/2016 Selection Process Application Online Student Applications With Documents Database University 1 University 2 University N Steering Committee meeting (Final Decision) 1- Budget, 2- Equal Distribution between EU & SyJoLe, 3- Gender, 4- Filling all Scholarship,… List of Selected Students 1 List of Selected Students 2 List of Selected Students N
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 16 05/06/2016 Project outcoms in 2007 Results for Syria: 23 Scholars from Syria to host universities in Europe: – 9 Undergraduate Students : 3 Berlin, 1 Brighton, 1 Bologna, 1 Masaryk, 2 in Lile university. Period of 10 months. – 7 Master Degree: 4 Berlin, 1 Brighton, 1 Masaryk, 1 Lund. Period of 22 months. – 4 Doctorate Degree: 2 Lund, 1 Brighton, 1 Berlin. Period of 36 months. – 3 Academic Staff: 3 Lund University Period of 3 months. 9 Scholars visiting Syria: – 7 at Damascus University: 5 of them at Arabic Language Centre. – 2 at Aleppo University. Period of 9 months.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 17 05/06/2016 Project outcoms in 2008 Results for Syria: 24 Scholars from Syria to host universities in Europe: – 10 Undergraduate Students : 4 Berlin, 2 Granada, 2 Bologna, 1 Croatia, 1 in Lile university. Period of 9 months. – 8 Master Degree: 3 Berlin, 1 Bologna, 1 Masaryk, 1 Lund, 2 Granada. Period of 22 months. – 3 Doctorate Degree: 1 Granada, 1 Berlin, 1Lile. Period of 36 months. – 1 Post Doctorate: 1 Lund. Period of 6 months. – 3 Academic Staff: 1 Lile, 1 Granada, 1 Masaryk. Period of 3 months. 13 Scholars visiting Syria: – 4 at Damascus University: all of them at Arabic Language Centre. – 9 at Aleppo University. Period of 9 months.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 18 05/06/2016 Project outcoms in 2009 Results for Syria: 25 Scholars from Syria to host universities in Europe: – 7 Undergraduate Students : 3 Leiden, 1 KTH, 1 Bologna, 1 Croatia, 1 in Lile university. (3 Place are empty) Period of 9 months. – 13 Master Degree: 3 Lund, 2 Masaryk, 2 Berlin, 2 Bologna, 2 Leiden, 1 Vilinus, 1 Granada. Period of 6-22 months. – 3 Doctorate Degree: 2 Granada, 1 Berlin. Period of 36 months. – 1 Post Doctorate: 1 Lile. Period of 3 months. – 2 Academic Staff: 2 Lund,. Period of 1 months. 6 Scholars visiting Syria: – 4 at Damascus University: 2 in Arabic Language Centre. – 2 at Aleppo University. Period of 9 months.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 19 05/06/2016 Project Dificulties 1- From Syrian Side: Recognition of the courses studied, when undergraduate students coming back to Syria.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 20 05/06/2016 New Name JOSYLEEN Erasmus Mundus JOrdan SYria LEbanon Europe Network.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 21 05/06/2016 How to Apply Just apply at the project website: NEW CALL 15 March 2010
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 22 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 23 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 24 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 25 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 26 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 27 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 28 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 29 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 30 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 31 05/06/2016 How to Apply
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Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 36 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 37 05/06/2016 How to Apply
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: lot 4 Damascus -Syria 38 05/06/2016 Thank You