Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences What’s new?
Agricultural, Computational and Environmental Sciences Civil Engineering and Surveying Health and Wellbeing Nursing and Midwifery Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Psychology and Counselling Six Schools
Bachelor of Paramedicine Bachelor of Sport & Exercise (also a Graduate Certificate of Sport & Exercise) Bachelor of Human Services (Health & Social Wellbeing) Bachelor of Midwifery (Graduate Entry) (Semester 1, 2016) New Health & Wellbeing programs 2015/2016
Bachelor of Paramedicine Bachelor of Paramedicine on-campus at USQ Ipswich Clinical placements with Queensland Ambulance and other healthcare settings Designed by leading medical and paramedic staff who understand the real-world of pre-hospital emergency care Entry requirements: Year 12 English (4 SA) or equivalent Recommended study of one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics OP = 15
Bachelor of Sport & Exercise Bachelor of Sport & Exercise on-campus at USQ Toowoomba and Ipswich, and online Careers in the health, fitness and sports performance industry (focus on developing health and fitness of people across their whole lifespan) Entry requirements: Year 12 English (4 SA) and Maths (4 SA), or equivalent 2015 OP = 14
Bachelor of Human Services (Health & Social Wellbeing) Bachelor of Human Services on-campus at USQ Frazer Coast and Ipswich, and online Entrepreneurial careers in the older people and disability care (focusing on management and co- ordination of care, reference to NIDF) Entry requirements: Year 12 English (4 SA) and Maths (4 SA), or equivalent New program
Engineering & Built Environment Programs Associate Degree of Engineering Agriculture Civil Environmental Computer Systems Electrical and Electronic Mechanical Power Process Engineering Mining (NEW) 2015 OP = 16 Associate Degree of Construction Civil Management 2015 OP = 16
Bachelor of Engineering Science Agriculture Civil (Springfield) Environmental Computer Systems Electrical and Electronic Mechanical Power Process Engineering Infrastructure Management 2015 OP = 13 Engineering & Built Environment Programs (cont’d)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Agriculture Civil Environmental Computer Systems Electrical and Electronic Mechanical Mechatronic Power Instrumentation and Control 2015 OP = 10 Bachelor of Construction (Honours) Civil Management 2015 OP = 12 Engineering & Built Environment Programs (cont’d)
Associate Degree of Spatial Science (2015 OP = 16) Bachelor of Spatial Science Technology (2015 OP = 12) Bachelor of Spatial Science (Honours) (2015 OP = 11) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Surveying Urban and Regional Planning Engineering & Built Environment Programs (cont’d)
The Bachelor of Nursing program provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Areas of study in the Bachelor of Nursing program: Biology Biomedical Science Health Human Biology Nursing & Midwifery 2015 OP = 15 Laura Wilson (USQ Bachelor of Nursing) Employed with Queensland Health, Cunnamulla Former Graduate of Fairholme College Nursing
Psychology Bachelor of Psychology Honours (2015 OP = 14) Bachelor of Psychology in Business (2015 OP = 15) Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (2015 OP = 15) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Psychology)
Training in Psychology
Human Services & Counselling Bachelor of Human Services (2015 OP = 15) – Counselling – Child and Family – Community Development – Indigenous Studies – Health and Social Wellbeing Bachelor of Science (Counselling) (2015 OP = 15) Bachelor of Human Services (Health and Social Welfare) – commencing 2016 Diploma of Community Welfare and Development (2015 OP = 17) Diploma of Social Studies Foundations (Diagnostic Exercises required)
Sciences & Information Technology Areas of study Bachelor of Science (2015 op = 15) Astronomy Biology Chemistry Climate Studies Environment and Sustainability Physical Sciences Computing Human Physiology Information Technology Mathematics and Statistics Physics and Physical Sciences Wine Science Bachelor of Information Technology Management (2015 OP = 16)
A sample of our facilities… Undergraduate teaching laboratories (USQ Toowoomba)
Paramedicine teaching aides (USQ Ipswich)
Nursing labs (USQ Ipswich)
Addressing the needs of our future workforce Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts
The Workforce is changing and the workplace of the future will be different How is it changing….what are you seeing ?
Our Workforce is changing Click here
Future work force drivers Longevity; Multiple careers will be common place as people live longer and remain in the work force for longer. New media ecology; new technologies will transform the way we communicate. Changing organisations; traditional organisational structures are becoming flatter, more flexible and nibble to address an increasingly competitive market. Globally connected; long term trend toward greater exchanges and integration across geographic borders, whilst maintaining localisation. These are just some of the drivers that will disrupt and reshape the workforce landscape.
What will be required….what do you advise students about preparing for the world of work?
Our economy has seen recent slowing of productivity growth, partly due to a drop in productivity in the mining industry, combined with subsequent falls in productivity in the agriculture, construction and electricity, gas and water sectors The global services market is growing and increased productivity in the services sector presents a major area for future growth in the Australian economy To remain competitive, employers will look for skills in innovation, creativity, adaptability and leadership Future economic growth ~ Future focus; Australia’s skills and workforce development needs National Workforce Development Strategy
Whilst our focus on the development of skills in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) continues, there is a resurgence in the need for the continued development of the skills gained through the studies of Business, Education, Law and Arts!
Preparing for the future Increase productivity through innovation Productivity is influenced by the ways enterprises and individuals develop and harness their skills and energies in the workplace. Management and leadership is important in enabling and encouraging productivity gains. Effective leadership encourages employees to take ownership of their work so as to co-produce outcomes that benefit both business and workers ~ Future Work Skills 2020, Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute. USQ’s contribution Management and leadership specialisations in the Bachelor of Business, produce graduates with high levels of leadership competency and employability A commitment to multidisciplinary approaches and connectivity allow the incorporation of these skills across disciplines The new Bachelor of Creative Arts has a strong focus on providing students will the necessary skills to be a successful practising artist.
Preparing for the future Social Intelligence Socially intelligent employees are able to quickly assess the emotions of those around them and adapt their words, tone and gestures accordingly ~ Future Work Skills 2020, Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute. USQ’s contribution Actively seeking more opportunities for students to interact with academic staff, industry and peers means graduates have more highly evolved interpersonal skills and abilities to interact as highly effective team members. Industry forums and workshops of students of Law and Justice and Education Increased interaction with CPA Australia for Commerce students Practising Artist visits and strong industry connections for students in Creative Arts and Media
Preparing for the future Cross-cultural Competency In a truly globally connected world, a worker’s skill set could see them posted in any number of locations – they need to be able to operate in whatever environment they find themselves ~ Future Work Skills 2020, Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute.. USQ’s contribution Preserving space to study electives in undergraduate degrees such as Business and Commerce provide the opportunity for students to incorporate studies in disciplines such as International Relations, Languages studies and Cultural Awareness Double degrees further enhance this ability, such as the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (BABZ)
Preparing for the future Transdisciplinarity Many of today’s global problems are just too complex to be solved by one specialised discipline. Multifaceted problems require transdisciplinary solutions ~ Future Work Skills 2020, Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute. USQ’s contribution Commitment to and active implementation of multi-disciplinary connections allow for greater exploration by students and produces well rounded graduates with flexible, innovative and creative thinking
Preparing for the future Virtual Collaboration Collaborative platforms include typical gaming features such as immediate feedback, clear objectives and a staged series of challenges that significantly drives participation and motivation ~ Future Work Skills 2020, Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute. USQ’s contribution Ongoing development and improvements in learning and teaching, incorporating the use of more and varied technologies Online forums for all students, online and on campus Increases in multi campus interactions Enhanced platforms for content delivery and study support Increased use of video conferencing, streaming and online tutorials ensure students can engage in many different ways with their lecturers and peers.
New developments Bachelor of Aviation Addressing the needs of a fast growing global Aviation industry Currently being developed, this degree is expected to have its first intake in Semester 1, Incorporating more Law content into the Bachelor of Education Increased connections between these two discipline areas will ensure our Education graduates are better prepared for their future teaching career. Strengthening the Bachelor of Education Review of this degree ensures students are highly prepared and employable upon graduation. New Bachelor of Business and Commerce Combining the Bachelor of Business and the Bachelor of Commerce into one concise degree allows for enhance preparedness for graduates for a changing business environment.
New developments Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media Revitalised degree with a strong focus on producing successful, practicing artist. Specialisations in Theatre, Music, Visual Arts and Film, Television and Radio Strong industry connections in the FTR industry (Channel 9). Enhanced employability for our FTR graduates New, state of the art television studio at USQ Springfield provide access to new industry standard technology with greater opportunities to gain practical experience. First intake in Semester 1, Graduate Certificate in Digital Production One year postgraduate qualification allowing for a further year of immersion in the area of FTR, boosting employability. Industry networking and collaboration provides opportunity for our students to build valuable connections within the industry First intake in Semester 1, 2016
New developments Legal Studies specialisation in the Bachelor of Arts Provides a study option for those wishing to study elements of law outside a traditional Law degree Provides an additional pathway into the Bachelor of Laws Master of Education Amalgamation of the Master of Education, Master of Learning and Development and Master of Applied Linguistics will produce a far more comprehensive and attractive degree in Education. Strengthened research pathways Commonwealth support for Guidance and Counselling, TESOL, Special Education and Early Childhood continues.
Pathways to USQ Tertiary Preparation Courses Naomi Ryan Lecturer - Career Development Open Access College
Tertiary Preparation Program – Intensive Pathway Free Tertiary Preparation Program offered in an intensive teaching mode for Year 12 school leavers Campuses: Toowoomba, Ipswich, Springfield, Fraser Coast Conducted over summer semester to enable students the chance of University entry in Semester 1, in line with peers entering Uni courses (eg. March 2016 start Uni)
Who for? Finishing Year 12? A non OP student – now wants to go to Uni? An OP student worried about OP score and getting into course they want? A student who wants to build their academic and study skills to cope with tertiary study? A student who wants to experience University Life before committing to a degree course? A student who wants to do a specific Uni course but does not have required pre-requisite subject?
What is TPP Intensive? A tertiary preparation program consisting of academic communication, study management, career development and mathematics Successful completion guarantees entry to some USQ degree programs TPP offered in Sem 3 – includes 2 x 2 week blocks of intensive on campus study
Course Content Studying to Succeed includes: – Study management – Academic writing (critical analysis, essay, report) – Career development (including digital narrative assessment) Mathematics (student is placed in one of four levels depending on results of the placement test and what degree course they are pursuing) Some TPP students need to do more than one semester of mathematics to be eligible for entry to some programs.
Format of Intensive School Commences with two week intensive block: early Dec 15 External/online study Dec – Jan Two week intensive block Mid Jan 16 Exam block early Feb 16 Classes are held Monday to Friday in the intensive block weeks Weekend and after hours activities are included in the program
Accommodation – Toowoomba Campus Accommodation free for students living outside of Toowoomba and attending the Toowoomba campus. Students stay in the Residential College and meals are provided Activities coordinator is hired to provide after hours activities and coordinate study sessions etc.
Benefits to Students Career education and counselling to assist with career options Gain exposure to University life Year 12 school leavers can complete TPP over Semester 3 and potentially gain entry to Uni course for Semester 1, 2015 with peers Improved chance of success with first year University studies. Study skills are enhanced with the introduction to University study.
Activities Trips can include things like Movieworld, Dreamworld Bowling Sports Students enjoy the social aspect of the program
TPP Mainstream All students, not just Year 12 school leavers TPP course offered on campus or online mode Held in Semester 1,2 and 3 On campus classes are held twice week for Studying to Succeed and once a week for Mathematics On campus exists in Toowoomba, Fraser Coast, Ipswich and Springfield Online mode is available for students who do not live near a campus
Outcomes of 2014/15 TPPIP 156 students began the program across the four USQ campuses. 62% of enrolled TPPIP students passed. To date, 76 students, or 48% of those who attended TPPIP have taken up offers of a program at the university.
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students What we offer: 7 levels of English courses (Level 1 to 5 General English) (English for Academic Purposes EAP Levels 1 and 2) Each level is 10 weeks long You are tested to find out what level you start at
English courses General English ___________________ Levels 1-5 Academic English ______________ Levels I and 2 Degree (UG or PG)
Where do you start? You will be tested to find out what level you are in – Reading Writing Listening Speaking
What does the course involve? 10 weeks of intensive English language classes Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 4.00 Friday 8.30 – 1.00 EAP1 – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking (10 weeks) EAP2 – Academic English Skills, Communication, Studying at University, Mathematics (10 weeks)
Advantages of USQ English courses English courses are free for Australian citizens, refugees and permanent residents. Centrelink will normally recognise USQ English students as full-time students. Passing EAP2 will give you guaranteed entry to many of the USQ undergraduate degrees. You will gain the required academic skills to cope with study in a degree program.
Other Advantages Small class sizes consisting of international and domestic students of varying ages (very multicultural) Social activities Access to all the Uni services as a USQ student
Equity & Scholarship Phillip Eastment Manager, Student Equity and Disability
Early Round Scholarships Vice-Chancellor’s Principal’s Recommendation Scholarship Future Community Leader Scholarship Closing date: Friday 28 August,
Vice-Chancellor’s Principal’s Recommendation Scholarship Value – $12,000 Criteria – Start study after Year 12 at USQ in Semester 1, 2016 – High level of academic achievement and participation in academic activities – Leadership roles performed throughout high school – Outline aspirations and career goals
Future Community Leader Scholarship Value – $6,000 Criteria – Start study after Year 12 at USQ in Semester 1, 2016 – Have taken part in USQ events/study opportunities – Involved in school, community or extracurricular activities – Sound level of academic achievement
Major USQ Scholarship Round 2016 Applications opening early August 2015 Check out our website for details and the application forms Scholarships and Bursaries offered for both Academic merit and those experiencing financial hardship Closing date: Friday 30 October,
Chancellor’s Scholarship Value – $12,000 Criteria – Commence study in Semester 1, 2016 – Studying full-time, on-campus – Achieve an OP 1 or 2 (equivalent ranking) – Demonstrate history of involvement in: – School community – Extra-curricular activities – Local community
USQ Kick Start Bursaries Value – $2,000 Criteria Experiencing financial hardship, plus any of the following: – On-campus students at any USQ campus – First in family students – Indigenous students – Students with a disability – New Zealand & Pasifika students – Rural & remote students – External students