Yuyun Alfred Pecten Cameroon Company Tel: / Mobiles: / / Born on : August 8, 1977 at Kumbo Holder of : Bsc in Economics and Management Sciences Current Job: Stores Accounting Other talents: Perfect Computer Knowledge/Bilingual/Dynamic Marital Status: Married with three children Possible jobs: Accounting, Purchasing and Supply Chain, Logistics, Warehousing, Safety Officer, Invoicing, Stock Analysis etc
Born on : September 20, 1975 at Wum Holder of : MBA in Strategic Marketing Current Job: Senior Executive Assistant Other talents: Basic Computer Knowledge/Bilingual/Dynamic/Ambituous Marital Status: Married Possible jobs: Business Development, Marketing and Sales Analyst, Brand Management, Relationship Management, Corporate planning and Analysis, Corporate strategic Management DIYMBA Edwin EMPLOI SERVICE CAMEROON Mobile: /
Nformi Jude B. CoGRA Mobiles: Born on : October 11, 1984 at Shisong Holder of : Bsc in Accounting and a professional level ACCA student Current Job: Consultant with 2years audit experience Other talents: Sound Computer Knowledge Bilingual/Flexible/highly analytical Marital Status: Single with no child Possible jobs: Accounting, Auditing, Banking and finance
Gilbert Berka Mengnjo (BBA, MSc) KPMG Afrique Centrale, Douala Mob.: / Born on : October 25, 1977 at Buea Holder of : BBA in Int. Financial Management and MSc. in Accounting & Finance Current Job: Financial Audits / Country Operations Manager (New venture) Other talents: Experienced in accounting & finance analysis, business development and CRM software packages. Bilingual, team oriented & results driven Marital Status: Single with no kids yet Possible jobs: Multinational Accounting and Financial Operations, Business Analyst and Development, Project Management, Mergers & Acquisition, Corporate Strategy, Analysis and Organizational Management,
Ngalim Nestor (Bsc, M.Eng) Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd Mobiles: Born on : February 26, 1984 at Bamenda Holder of : Bsc in Physics and an M.Eng in Electrical Engineering Current Job: Network Solutions Provider for Huawei Tech. Other talents: Good mastery of :- GSM & CDMA2000 Telecom Networks, Computer Achitecture and Networks, Networking Protocols, Computer Programming. Marital Status: Single with no child Possible jobs: Telecommunication/Electrical Engineer.
VERA-NSO FONDZENYUY KUHVINYO UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA Mobiles: Born on : November 22, 1981 at Sop Holder of : Bsc in Accountancy,part three professional level ACCA student Current Job: Banking Officer Other talents: Perfect Computer Knowledge/Bilingual/Dynamic, Analytical, enterprising. Marital Status: single no kids Possible jobs: Accounting, audit, finance, payroll management, Local and foreign bank operations, Relationship management etc
Emmanuel Bame (BEng, M.Res, MCM) Orange Cameroon Mobile: Born on : 18th December 1980 Holder of : BEng Electrical Engineering, MRes Telecommunication Engineering, Masters in Telecommunication Management Current Job : Core Network Engineer, Orange Cameroon. Technical Skills : Expertise knowledge on GSM, GPRS and Trunk PMR networks, Use and Programming of TI DSP boards, Exposure to IP networks (switching and routing), Programming in C, Java Professional Activities: Member Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Member Institute of Electrical and Electronic engineers (IEEE) Marital Status : Single with no child Possible jobs : Telecommunication/Electrical Engineer. Project Manager
EUGENE KONGLIM SUNJO CAMEROON AVIATION SERVICE DOUALA (CAMAVIS) Mobiles: Born on : December 30, 1976 Holder of : LLB IN LAW AND POLICAL SCIENCES Current Job: LOGISTIC COORDINATOR Other talents: Alert and thoughtful, accountability, analytical, problem solving, integrity dynamic and open to Professional development Marital Status: single no kids Possible jobs: ADM/HR, Legal Assistance, Logistics Management, Banking operations, Coporate Social Responsibility, Relationship Management, Conflicting Analysis
Vernyuy Elvis SUNJO Pupil Advocate of the Cameroon Bar Association Mobiles: Born on : February 05, 1979 at Mutengene Holder of : LLB IN LAW AND POLICAL SCIENCES Current Job: Pupil Advocate Other talents: Basic Computer Knowledge/Bilingual/Dynamic/Ambitous Marital Status: Single no kids Possible jobs: Family Law, Land Law, Recoveries, Law of Contract, Banking Law, Legal Consultation, Legal Drafting, Assisting clients in courts; police; Gendarmerie;, HR management, Business Law, Legal Submissions, Conflict resolutions etc