MoscowMoscow Chuvash Republic
Territory – square km Territory – square km Capital – city of Cheboksary Capital – city of Cheboksary Population – 1.3 million people 21 municipal regions, 5 urban districts, 7 urban and 284 rural settlements Population – 1.3 million people 21 municipal regions, 5 urban districts, 7 urban and 284 rural settlements Density of population – 70.1 people per 1 square km (average in Russia – 8.4) Density of population – 70.1 people per 1 square km (average in Russia – 8.4) Distance from Cheboksary to Moscow – 650 km Distance from Cheboksary to Moscow – 650 km Moscow time zone Moscow time zone
The Republic of Chuvashia is a significant transportation connection point linking highway, railway and air transport. The Republic of Chuvashia is a significant transportation connection point linking highway, railway and air transport. Northern regions of the republic have access to the Volga River - the largest water connection point in the European part of Russia. Northern regions of the republic have access to the Volga River - the largest water connection point in the European part of Russia.
transparency of information; transparency of information; legal basis for state support of investors; legal basis for state support of investors; effective economic and fiscal policy; effective economic and fiscal policy; high industrial potential; high industrial potential; qualified personnel; qualified personnel; infrastructure; infrastructure; favorable environmental conditions. favorable environmental conditions.
S = 300 ha
Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic №293 dated «On Taking Measures to Create Favorable Conditions for Attraction of Investments into the real sector of economy of the Chuvash Republic Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic № 293 dated “On Taking Non- Financial Measures of State Support of Investment Activity in the Chuvash Republic" Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic № 160 dated "On the Process of Evaluation of Effectiveness of State Support for Investment Projects and Development of Public Infrastructure" Law of the Chuvash Republic № 8 dated "On State Support of Investment Activity in the Chuvash Republic" Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic № 106 dated «On the Republican Target Program" State Promotion of Foreign Trade and Investment Activities in the Chuvash Republic for " Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Chuvash Republic № 98 dated
Industrial Production Index amounted to 115,4% since the beginning of 2010
23 institutions of higher professional education with 68,2 thousand students are functioning in the republic. in 2010| professors work full-time in the universities, including 1620 professors with a Master’s Degree and 290 with a PhD. the Universities provide education in 129 specialities in 37 professional areas Scientists of the Chuvash Republic carry our research in more than 200 areas of science, engineering, natural science and humanities ; 85 educational institutions were established. Research works are carried out jointly with scientific organizations of the USA, Bulgaria, France, Germany and Austria in the field of medicine, chemistry, electrical engineering, and electronics.
Foreign trade turnover of the Chuvash Republic in 2010 amounted to million U.S. dollars, including: export - U.S. $ (63% of the foreign trade turnover), import - U.S. $ (37%). export - U.S. $ (63% of the foreign trade turnover), import - U.S. $ (37%). Sweden 6.1% Germany 13.4% China 21.5% Denmark 8.2% The USA 5.1% Other 35.4% Japan 1.03% The Ukraine Other Lithuania Kazakhstan India The Netherlands Venezuela
Infrastructure: Infrastructure: engineering infrastructure, transportation, social and customs infrastructure is financed from the budget of all levels. Tax Remissions: Tax Remissions: - the Government sets a reduced income tax rate for the amount credited to the budget of the republic, but not less than 13,5%, tax rate for the amount credited to the federal budget is 2%; - exemption from property tax; - transport tax remissions; - exemption from land tax. Customs Preferences: Customs Preferences: goods imported to the territory of special economic zones (equipment, raw materials, components, construction materials) are imported and used without payment of import duties and taxes as well as applying non-tariff regulation measures
Administrative Regime and “One-Stop Service": Administrative Regime and “One-Stop Service": in order to create a favorable climate for business development, to facilitate interaction with public authorities and to reduce the project implementation time the Chuvash Republic introduced “one-stop service” system in special economic zones. Land: Land: - Rental sites are available at a discounted rate; - Landholders have an opportunity to purchase the land if they own property on this land. Support of Investment Activity: Support of Investment Activity: - Reducing income tax rate for the amount credited to the budget of the reublic reaches up to 14%, if the investment volume is more than 10 million rubles; - Exemption from property tax at a rate of 50% of the calculated tax for organizations, which attract investments worth more than 10 million rubles; - Exemption from 100% property tax for property subject to leasing; - Provision of non-financial measures of state support for investment projects, considred of great economic and social importance for the Chuvash Republic with the investment volume of at least 30 million rubles; - Assistance in developing business infrastructure.
The aim of cognitive Center is modelling and strategic forecasting, planning, efficient interaction models between the subjects of management to provide solutions to specific management problems The aim of cognitive Center is modelling and strategic forecasting, planning, efficient interaction models between the subjects of management to provide solutions to specific management problems Structure of the Center Situation Centre (Centre for Strategic Forecasting) Laboratory of Mathematical Methods (simulation modelling) Training Center Cognitive center was created on the basis of cooperation with the Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS named after M. F. Keldysh (one of the leading system integrators of major scientific and technological projects which has an extensive experience of cooperation with the Chuvash Republic)
The research laboratory in cooperation with the Physicotechnical Institute named after Ioffe of the Russian Academy of Sciences Structure of the Center: Industrial park The multiaccess center of the Chuvash Republic The research laboratory of silicone formulations Lines of activity: : Solar power Nanotechnologies Silicone formulations, blends and biotechnologies
Resident organizations (extra-budgetary funds) Budgetary funds 17,04 15,23 27,69 13,59 Total investments volume ( including project investments of residents ) 79,3% Federal budget 11,6% Budget of the Chuvash Republic 0,6% Local budget 8,5 % Extrabudgetary funds Investment in infrastructure Total volume of investments 2.5 billion $ including: Volume of investments in Infrastructure 23.8 million $
10 basic projects Production of solar modules using thin film technology (Oerlikon) Production of special high-purity gases Production of polycrystalline silicon of semiconductor quality Production of hydrogen peroxide (Solvay) Production of glyphosate (Chemtura) Production of propylene glycol on technology SpringHill SA Production of silicone emulsions
Sector attractiveness Conditions for the sector development Circle diameter represents production volume in monetary terms in 2020, the most likely scenario high-purity gases propylene glycol перекись водорода silicone emulsions Nanocomposite plastics polycrystalline silicon solar modules glyphosate Hyd. peroxi de Step I ( ) placement of 10 resident companies among them: Hevel LLC OOO Polysilicone new projects: ZAO Renova Orgsintez OOO Vita Development OOO Elkon OOO Sunfarm OOO Gradient-plus ZAO Stroymash We plan double the number of residents by number of residents by2020 by adding new resident enterprises every year