Open Source Software What is it? Advantages Disadvantages Examples Generic tools Learning management systems Social Networking Web Authoring Media What is it? Advantages Disadvantages Examples Generic tools Learning management systems Social Networking Web Authoring Media
Open Source Software What is it? free or non-proprietary software – no license fee or restrictions and... includes source code – user-friendly modification doesn't discrimination against persons, groups, field of application doesn't restrict other software isn't technology-neutral is also referred to collectively as FLOSS - Free/Libre and Open Source Software In summary - it may be used, copied, studied, modified and redistributed without restriction. What is it? free or non-proprietary software – no license fee or restrictions and... includes source code – user-friendly modification doesn't discrimination against persons, groups, field of application doesn't restrict other software isn't technology-neutral is also referred to collectively as FLOSS - Free/Libre and Open Source Software In summary - it may be used, copied, studied, modified and redistributed without restriction.
Open Source Software Other features... Users are treated as do-developers Modular – allowing parallel development Early versions released as soon as possible Several versions – for example: buggy & full featured, stable & basic Flexible, democratic decision-making "a great babbling bazaar of differing agendas and approaches."(Raymond,1997) Other features... Users are treated as do-developers Modular – allowing parallel development Early versions released as soon as possible Several versions – for example: buggy & full featured, stable & basic Flexible, democratic decision-making "a great babbling bazaar of differing agendas and approaches."(Raymond,1997)
Open Source Software Advantages for users availability of source code and right to modify & redistribute it can use the software in any way not dependent on single entity for software’s future quicker innovation no per-copy fees can be asked for modified versions fewer conflicting priorities due to marketing pressures reduced corporate & monopoly power forum for democratic action prime tool for achieving local language educational software, esp. languages not deemed commercially viable (Noronha, 2003) Advantages for users availability of source code and right to modify & redistribute it can use the software in any way not dependent on single entity for software’s future quicker innovation no per-copy fees can be asked for modified versions fewer conflicting priorities due to marketing pressures reduced corporate & monopoly power forum for democratic action prime tool for achieving local language educational software, esp. languages not deemed commercially viable (Noronha, 2003)
Open Source Software Advantages for developers Greater market access Can gain customer loyalty Establish industry standard & competitive advantage No commercial pressure Advantages for developers Greater market access Can gain customer loyalty Establish industry standard & competitive advantage No commercial pressure
Open Source Software Key disadvantages possible quality control failures security – hackers have easy access to source code Key disadvantages possible quality control failures security – hackers have easy access to source code
Generic applications Word processor, presentation tools, spreadsheets Used by most people who learn to use computers Valuable skill to know - word processing, spreadsheets, presentation applications of iWorks, Microsoft Office Open source alternative? Open Office Word processor, presentation tools, spreadsheets Used by most people who learn to use computers Valuable skill to know - word processing, spreadsheets, presentation applications of iWorks, Microsoft Office Open source alternative? Open Office
Generic applications: Example Open office – example tools & tasks for EFL? Text documents – text reconstruction, rewrite texts, use of forms, creating and editing HTML pages (demos if time)(demos if time) Presentation documents – for presentations etc Spreadsheets – collection and presentation of class, group surveys Open office – example tools & tasks for EFL? Text documents – text reconstruction, rewrite texts, use of forms, creating and editing HTML pages (demos if time)(demos if time) Presentation documents – for presentations etc Spreadsheets – collection and presentation of class, group surveys
Also known as: Course Management Systems (CMS) Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) Software for delivering, tracking and managing training/education Most web-based - access to learning content & administration. Common features & tools: Manage users, roles, courses, instructors, facilities WIKIs, Course calendar Student messaging and notifications Assessment/testing Grading of coursework Web-based or blended course delivery Also known as: Course Management Systems (CMS) Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) Software for delivering, tracking and managing training/education Most web-based - access to learning content & administration. Common features & tools: Manage users, roles, courses, instructors, facilities WIKIs, Course calendar Student messaging and notifications Assessment/testing Grading of coursework Web-based or blended course delivery Learning management systems
Examples: LRN, Atutor, Caroline, COSE, Dekeos, Edubuntu, eFront, eStudy, ILIAS, Lon-CAPA, Moodle, OLAT, Sakai LRN world's most widely adopted open source software for higher education, government, and non-profit organisations ATutor can be installed in minutes. Caroline translated into 35 languages efront a complete e-learning software with a good looking interface and good range of tools:- content editors, file sharing, test builders, survey creation etc. Moodle a popular Course Management System (CMS) to create effective online learning sites Examples: LRN, Atutor, Caroline, COSE, Dekeos, Edubuntu, eFront, eStudy, ILIAS, Lon-CAPA, Moodle, OLAT, Sakai LRN world's most widely adopted open source software for higher education, government, and non-profit organisations ATutor can be installed in minutes. Caroline translated into 35 languages efront a complete e-learning software with a good looking interface and good range of tools:- content editors, file sharing, test builders, survey creation etc. Moodle a popular Course Management System (CMS) to create effective online learning sites Learning management systems
For networks suitable for smaller groups of people Examples: Elgg (2008 award winner), Pligg, Newscloud, Drupal, AROUNDme, Dolphin, Mugshot General features: blogging, networking, community, collecting of news using feeds, file sharing For networks suitable for smaller groups of people Examples: Elgg (2008 award winner), Pligg, Newscloud, Drupal, AROUNDme, Dolphin, Mugshot General features: blogging, networking, community, collecting of news using feeds, file sharing Social networking
eXe: ELearning XHTML author Create & publish web content without knowledge of HTML or XML Full compatibility with Moodle Easy to make activities: reading activities, multiple choice, SCORM quizzes, True- False etc (demo if time) eXe: ELearning XHTML author Create & publish web content without knowledge of HTML or XML Full compatibility with Moodle Easy to make activities: reading activities, multiple choice, SCORM quizzes, True- False etc (demo if time) Web Authoring
VLC player: extremely versatile multimedia player Audacity: audio recorder & editor eCinefx : video editing and visual effects tools VLC player: extremely versatile multimedia player Audacity: audio recorder & editor eCinefx : video editing and visual effects tools Multimedia
Good source of ideas #1 Twitter #2 Delicious (social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks)social bookmarkingoring, shar #3 Google reader (checks your favorite news sites and blogs for new content)derecks your #4 Slideshare #5 Google docs (Upload, store, edit and share documents anytime, from anywhere) #6 Youtube #7 Wordpress (blog publishing application) #8 Skype #9 Google Search #10 Audacity (audio editor and recorder) All free software – downloadable & hosted Good source of ideas #1 Twitter #2 Delicious (social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks)social bookmarkingoring, shar #3 Google reader (checks your favorite news sites and blogs for new content)derecks your #4 Slideshare #5 Google docs (Upload, store, edit and share documents anytime, from anywhere) #6 Youtube #7 Wordpress (blog publishing application) #8 Skype #9 Google Search #10 Audacity (audio editor and recorder) All free software – downloadable & hosted Top 100 learning tools
References Noronha, F. (2003). “Developing Countries Gain from Free/Open-Source Software” Available from: Retrieved 25th Nov 2008http:// Raymond, E.Raymond, E. (2000). “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”. Available from: Retrieved 18 th Nov 2009The Cathedral and the Bazaar Thank you for listening Iain Davey Noronha, F. (2003). “Developing Countries Gain from Free/Open-Source Software” Available from: Retrieved 25th Nov 2008http:// Raymond, E.Raymond, E. (2000). “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”. Available from: Retrieved 18 th Nov 2009The Cathedral and the Bazaar Thank you for listening Iain Davey