WHAT COULD THEY BE AND HOW TO IDENTIFY ? INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Steve O’Connor, Director, Information Exponentials Consultancy
WRONG QUESTION What is the right question? Libraries driven by technologies, or are they? Moving from card catalogue, through Microfiche catalogue, to the online catalogue, to the current integrated model Moving from print-based collections to digitally delivered, not held collections, from owned collections to subscribed collections, from heterogeneous collections to homogeneous collections
WHY? Services and user needs drive the uses of technology The ‘popular’ use of new technologies is not proven Does not mean that some social media are not effective It does mean that we need to be focused on what we need Where do you make your investment? Where would you start? How would you make the decisions?
EXTINCTION TIMELINE SUMMARY 2018 Libraries, Blackberries, Video rental stores, Post Offices, Getting Lost 2020 Copyright 2025 Desktop Computers, Spelling, Blogging 15 Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy
FIVE PRINCIPLES …….. 4.An Organisation’s capabilities define its disabilities Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy 16
WHAT ARE THE TECHNOLOGIES? ILS Web presence as the primary source/focus Different to sales: Ebay 55%, Amazon 35%, Web 10% Social Media Apps Integrated or not integrated? Service first then technology !!!
EXERCISES What services would you like to use technology to support and enhance? How do your Users like to communicate? Are all of your users the same? What technologies do you think are robust enough for library usage into the future, while adding real value?
TEN IDEAS Host a cloud-based collection Create a basic mobile website Start a location-based photo stream with Instagram Integrate LibGuides into Drupal Balance the library voice with the personal in social media Use crowdsourcing to create a collection Make a quick screencast Create personas before you design your website Use Google Voice to implement text reference Visualize your Twitter relationships with Mentionmapp Ellyssa Kroski LJ Feb23, 2013
OTHER EXAMPLES Leeds Public Libraries Autism Publishing ‘houses’ established on so many university library sites; public libraries yet to take advantage PLA : eConnect: a tool to manage connections to library members POWER OF COLLABORATIVE Apps to allow students to book study carrels from home; empowering users to access everything from wherever
INSIDER OR OUTSIDER Over time most of us become Insiders as we grow in our discipline InnoCentive illustrates the power of Outsiders We need to be Outsiders Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy 22
EXERCISES What services would you like to use technology to support and enhance? How do your Users like to communicate? Are all of your users the same? What technologies do you think are robust enough for library usage into the future, while adding real value?
WHERE DO YOU WANT TO BE? Steve O'Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy 26
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