Objective: Students will study the fertility and death rates Essential Question: How does life and death affect population rate? Lang Obj: Students will record key vocabulary and discuss in small groups Birth and Death
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Population increase quiz The total number of live births in a year is ______ What in NIR and how is it calculated? Define doubling time
Fertility Total fertility rate TFR measures the number of births in a society The average number of children a woman will have (15-49) CBR provides a picture of society as a whole in a year TFR predicts the future behavior of women and cultural change TFR for world is 2.7 In Africa TFR average is 6 compared to 2 or less in Europe
Mortality Infant mortality rate IMR- the annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age compared to total live births per 1,000s. Highest rates in poor Sub Saharan Africa countries vs lowest is in Western Europe Elbow Buddy Q: Make a graphic org and brainstorm 3 reasons why there is such a big difference Stearns answer Medicine, income, clean water
Comparison IMR exceeds 100 in Africa ( 10% of all babies die before they reach 1) Western Europe is less than 5% IMR reflects heath care In USA African Americans IMR is twice as high national average (less than 10%) Poor people lack affordable good health care.
Life expectancy Average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live Elbow Buddy Guess: Where is life expectancy highest? Europe highest Africa lowest Babies in Europe expect to live until 70 in Europe but only 40 in Africa
Recap NIR, CBR, TFR, IMR, and Life expectancy all follow similar patterns Elbow buddy explain the above five terms in relation to the type of country below Which of the above are found in MCD: Which of the above are found in LCD’s
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