Kaja-Liis Pall, Aet Mammuspuu Kärdla School 2010
Nutrition Nutrition- also called nourishment or aliment Nutrition- an input to and foundation for health and development Better nutrition- stronger immune systems, less illness and better health
What should we eat? Some protein-rich foods Some milk and dairy foods Plenty of fruit and veg Small amount of foods high in fat, salt and sugar Food rich in carbohydrate
Estonia VS America Homemade food Fresh ingredients Fresh salad Milk, yogurt Take-away meals Frozen food Junk food Fizzy drinks
School meals Estonia Soups Potatoes with gravy Salad Black bread Milk, water, juice Dessert America Lunch-box meals Vending machines Pizzas and hamburgers Fruit and salad choises Fizzy drinks
Junk Food Junk food- unhealthy, little or no nutrition value Too much fat! Too much salt! Too much sugar!
Interesting facts In the United States, the food industry spends more than $33 billion a year to advertise products that are mostly loaded with fat, salt and sugar. Every month, more than 90 per cent of the children in the United States eat at McDonald's. Fast food companies make higher profits on soft drinks than on their food products. In 1997, Americans spent over $54 billion on soft drinks.
Vending machines Vending machine provides snacks, lottery tickets, and other products to consumers without a cashier Pros- saves time, affordable prices Cons- health problems, junk food
Eating disorders Eating disorder- abnormal habits that may involve either physical and emotional health Anorexia nervosa Bulimia Chronic dieting Compulsive overeating
Body Mass Index
Organic food Eating organic won't automatically make you healthier Good organic food- juicy and full- flavoured, milk tastes richer, cheeses are ripe and mouthwatering
Thank you :)