30 Behavior Tips Melissa Mann
About Me Melissa Mann Special Education Teacher for Madison County Schools Blog: Pinterest:
1.Defined space Use masking tape or other concrete/visual markers to give the student a space of their own or to mark an area they should not be (i.e. teacher area) 2.Visual Timer 3.Count to 10 and Back to 1 Teach the kids to do this. It can be a coping strategy and teach them how to breathe in the process. 4.I can Statements Example: I can do the work. I can stay calm. Post on the desk and teach as a strategy for students.
5. Visual Schedule or Checklist htm htm 6. First/Then First do this, then you can have this. Give the student your expectation and then follow up with letting them choose a reinforcer. These can be visual or in words.
7. Fidgets Can be purchased at Dollar Tree, Dollar General etc. Keeps students’ hands busy while allowing them to focus on instruction. Teacher can use a stress ball, Velcro, etc.
8. Sensory Break (Ball, swing, trampoline, band on chair) Allow sensory or ASD students breaks when it becomes apparent that the work is becoming overwhelming. 9. Social Stories Google Social Stories and click on Images for other examples Model Me is an app that includes some already made social stories 10. Token Economy 11. Reinforcement Survey/Chart awareness-blog- hop.html?showComment= #c
12. Question Coins/Clips Limit questions from students Give them something tangible to turn in with each question Students will have to be wise with their questions 13. Tattle Bear/Monster (Reporting vs. Tattling) fhe.html 14. Blurt Bucket/Chart
15. Wiggle Seat/Brain Breaks Search you tube and Pinterest; several ideas of songs that involve moment that could be used for Brain Break moments 16. Calm Down area Several examples on Pinterest 17. Behavior contracts/charts
18. Re-direction 19. Object lesson (Pipe cleaner/Popsicle stick & Band-aid) can-stop-your-childs-meltdowns/ 20. Conflict resolution Several handouts/ideas on Pinterest Teach the students how to work through this on their own 21. Self regulation/coping skills Goes back to social stories Teach students what they need to do in crisis and how to talk themselves through an overwhelming/anxiety moment 22. Heavy lifting/tasks activities.html
23. Break cards 24. Positive praise 25. Warm fuzzies( Pinterest pin) management-with-warm-fuzzies.html 26. Stop, Think Choose (Pinterest pin) You can also Google for more information and images 27. Whole class Ideas ( Mr. Potato, Cookie Sheet, Brownie Points) go.html
students/teacher-behavioral-strategies-menu spot-and-why-you-need-one-too/ 34:teaching-childrenyouth-coping-skills-for-stress-management- pssrp&catid=4:stress-reduction-information&Itemid=3 skills.html
I will be posting a list of books for kids to address social skills etc. on my blog during August along with apps that can address behavior.
About Me Melissa Mann Special Education Teacher for Madison County Schools Blog: Pinterest: