Protein The body’s building blocks
ENERGY! Fats and Oils=9 Proteins =4 Carbs=4 Remember! 1. Proteins provide 4 calories per gram.
2. The main function of protein is to build and repair body tissues. If carbohydrates and fat are not available, your body will use protein. Is this a good thing? 3. If we consume too many proteins, our body converts protein to fat.
4. You must eat protein daily to replace the wear and tear on the body tissues. 5. We get most of our protein from the Protein Food Group. 6. It is recommended that we choose 8 oz. of seafood products in the place of some meat and poultry every week.
Functions of Proteins
Amino Acids 7. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of which new proteins are made. -There are 22 different amino acids -But 9 are the essential amino acids. 8. Essential means that your body MUST have them.
Complete Proteins 9. Complete proteins contain all 9 of the essential amino acids. 10. Complete proteins come from ALL animal food sources. 11. Tofu (from soybeans) is the only complete protein from a plant source.
Incomplete Proteins 12. Incomplete proteins do NOT contain all of the essential amino acids. 13. Incomplete proteins come from plant food sources. 14. Examples of incomplete proteins could be: a. Grains b. Beans c. Nuts/Seeds d. Rice e. Wheat
Complementary Proteins 15. Incomplete proteins can be combined to create a complementary protein. 16. Complementary Proteins are a grain combined with any nut, seed or legume.
Any other examples you can think of?
HINT! By adding a small amount of any animal protein, you create a complete protein: Casserole with meat Salad with beans and egg Yogurt and granola Bean and cheese burrito Cereal and Milk Macaroni and cheese
Protein Deficiency -Leads to Kwashiorkor in children Happens mostly in impoverished countries where there is a lack of protein rich foods. -It also can lead to stunted growth.
Protein deficiency in adults could lead to: -Anemia, infections, and Marasmus the Greek word for “dying away”
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Vegetarian Eats foods from plant sources, and some animal products. Vegetarian can add protein to diet with: Eggs Milk Cheese Plants
Vegan Individuals that eat foods only from plant sources. vegetable oil soy plants Must do complementary protein combos to receive adequate protein.
Today’s Lab: Bean and Cheese Burrito Whole Wheat Tortilla Brown Instant Rice Beans Cheese Sour Cream How are we making a complementary protein?