Initial Survey students completed the survey 2 weeks prior to graduation. There were a total of 1472 students that graduated May This is a 75.2% response rate. 6-8 Months Out Survey- 665 of the 1107 students that initially completed survey is a 60.07% response rate % of the students 6-8 months out are either working full-time in their field or going to graduate school full or part-time. (57.74% working full-time/12.03% going to graduate school full or part-time). According to NACE 52.9 percent employed full time 6 months out.
Average salary for all SU graduates- $42, Sample Majors: -Accounting-$52, Computer Science-$52, Nursing-$50, Info Systems-$50, Marketing-$45, Management-$44, Respiratory Therapy-$44, Biology-$42, Social Work (MSW)-$41,095.40
California1.56 Colorado0.52 DC3.13 Delaware2.6 Florida1.04 Illinois0.26 Maryland71.09 Maine0.26 North Carolina0.52 New Jersey1.3 New York0.78 Pennsylvania1.04 Tennessee0.26 Texas0.52 Virginia3.39 International0.52 Unspecified0
51.04% of the graduates stated they were either very satisfied or satisfied with their job. 45% had no response. Overall 57.44% of students did an internship while at SU. 38.05% of the graduates said they did 1 internship. 15.49% of the graduates said they did 2 internships.
638 full-time jobs posted between Sept. 1, 2014 and March 25, 2015 271 internships posted between Sept. 1, 2014 and March 25, 2015 236 part-time jobs posted between Sept. 1, 2014 and March 25, 2015 52 companies have done on-campus interviews 1501 one-on-one student appointments thus far this year 1221 students registered to receive our text messages
EmployersGraduate Schools KPMG, LLP Perdue Farms Ernst & Young Amazon Walt Disney World Wells Fargo Northrop Grumman Corporation Peace Corps Morgan Stanley National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency University of San Diego University of Maryland Medical Center University of South Carolina University of Maryland The College of William and Mary University of Tennessee American University Syracuse University
Fall 2014 Job Fair Compared to Spring Job Fair: -82 employers attended -23 sponsors -Sponsorship dollars = $11, total people attended Spring 2014 Job Fair -80 employers - 19 sponsors -Sponsorship dollars = $9, people attended
SPRING employers attended (Most ever!) -19 sponsors -$6, sponsorship money -549 total people attended -343 students pre-registered SPRING employers attended -19 sponsors -$9, sponsorship money -490 people attended -275 people pre-registered Summer 2015 Job Fair- 62 employer-Most ever!
PARTNERSHIPS: Graduate School Office -New Graduate Assistant-Duties-Grad School Job Alerts, Graduate School Workshops, Graduate School Networking Nights, Grad School Website Alumni Office -Meet monthly-Job fair brunch Perdue School -Satellite Appointments Honors Program- Networking Night
NETWORKING NIGHTS: -Environmental Studies/Biology- 7 employers -CMAT (journalism, PR, Advertising, Media Studies, Mass Media) Networking Night -STEM (biology, chemistry, physics, math, computer science) Networking Night -Honors Program- Networking Night-Discuss internships-7 mentors CAREER SERVICES ALUMNI SPEAKERS SERIES -Duke Medical Center-Professor Herman Staats will speak-STEM FEDERAL EMPLOYER PANEL- 6 agencies-102 students RECRUITER-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM- Employers review student resumes and do mock interviews one day per week.