AmeriGEOSS Initiative: Foundational Activities Nancy D. Searby, NASA and Angelica Gutierrez, NOAA WGCapD-5 Agenda Item #30 Working Group on Capacity Building.


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Presentation transcript:

AmeriGEOSS Initiative: Foundational Activities Nancy D. Searby, NASA and Angelica Gutierrez, NOAA WGCapD-5 Agenda Item #30 Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy Hampton, Virginia, USA March 29 th – April 1 st, 2016 Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination Is a cooperative effort that: Reflects local, national, and regional interests of the GEO country- members for short and long-term planning, development, and implementation aligned with GEO activities. Will be entrenched in the institutional and technical capabilities of its country members and in the resources of other global initiatives available for the benefit of the region. 2 Seeks to increase institutional and personal capacity and engage experts, stakeholders, and decision makers in the process of decision making.

There are currently 16 Americas Caucus Member countries: –Argentina –Bahamas –Belize –Brazil –Canada –Chile –Colombia –Costa Rica –Ecuador –Honduras –Mexico –Panama –Paraguay –Peru –United States –Uruguay AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination 3 The goal is to engage: –All countries and Participating Organizations in North, Central, South America, and the Caribbean. –Global GEO members and Participating Organizations working in the Americas.

Birth of AmeriGEOSS Initiative Americas chair, Colombia, hosted Americas Caucus planning meeting in October 2014, and Principals identified priorities and mandated development of AmeriGEOSS initiative. Recognized periodic symposia worked well to share information, but challenging to maintain momentum and collaborative work between them. Changes in personnel and priorities caused linkages in Americas network to weaken and/or break. Regular coordination planned to strengthen Americas regional engagement in GEO. AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination 4

Priority Areas 1.Agriculture, associated with climate variability, climate change, and food security. 1.Disaster risk reduction, particularly for data exchange associated with early warnings, and for the generation of regional products of early warnings. 1.Water, associated with the management approach of water resources and data management. AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination 5 4.Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring, in the context of capacity building for better monitoring, management, and maintenance of ecosystems and biodiversity they support; and to predict future changes.

America’s Caucus – GEO Principals Regional Coordination Working Group (WG) Agriculture and Food Security WG Disaster Risk Reduction WG Water Resources WG Ecosystems & Biodiversity WG Foundation al Activities WG AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination Coordination Process 6

Working Group Activities 1.Engage stakeholders to identify and address national and regional challenges. 1.Foster regional cooperation to build institutional and national capacity. 1.Coordinate across Working Groups and promote regionalization of global and foundational activities of GEO. 1.Map activities of PO in region to identify synergies, gaps. 1.Define and monitor indicators of success. AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination 7

Capacity Building in AmeriGEOSS Linked to the AmeriGEOSS priority Areas : Water, Disaster, Agriculture, and Ecosystem/Biodiversity Leverages resources from established Capacity Building activities (e.g., GeonetCast/Vlab, NASA-ARSET, GEOGLAM, etc) Leverages resources from GEO-CIEHLYC members for outreach and instruction (workshops and monthly webinars) AmeriGEOSS week, training/courses are provided in parallel for the priority areas.

Institutional Capacity: GEONETCast before and after… 2008 – 2013 (25 stations) 2014 – 2016 (+60 stations)

Global Water Products - NOAA & EUMETSAT Metop-B - MSPPS MHS - Orbital Products – Global (Rain Rate, Ice Water Path, Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Fall Rate) Format: HDF-EOS Average Size: 2.0 MB Frequency: 30 minutes Max n° of files a day: 48 Satellite: Metop-B Instrument: MHS Resolution: 17 km at nadir Naming Convention: NPR.MHOP.M1.D14203.S1308.E1403.B NS METOP A / B – ASCAT Winds and Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid – Global (Surface Soil Moisture, Mean Surface Soil Moisture, Rain Fall Detection, Snow Cover, Frozen Land Fraction, Inundation and Wetland Fraction, Topographic Complexity, Model Wind Speed at 10 m, Model Wind Direction at 10 m, Ice Probability, Ice age (“a” parameter), Wind Speed at 10 m and Wind direction at 10 m) Format: BUFR Average Sizes: 385 kB (12.5 km) / 95 kB (25 km) Frequency: 3 minutes per satellite Max n° of files a day: 480 per per satellite Satellites: METOP A / B Instrument: ASCAT Naming Conventions: ascat_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_metopa_orbit#_eps_0_250.l2_bufr ascat_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_metopb_orbit#_eps_0_250.l2_bufr

Regional Water Products - INPE Brasil Sea Surface Temperature - South America Instantaneous Precipitation - South America Formats: GeoTIFF and JPEG Average Sizes: 40 kB (GeoTIFF) / 115 kB (JPEG) Frequency: 30 minutes Max n° of files a day: 48 per format GeoTIFF pixel info: 0 ~ 255 Max n° of files a day: 48 Data Input: GOES-13 imagery (Cloud top brightness temperature) Projection: Rectangular Resolution: 4 x 4 km Naming Convention: INPE_RFS_YYYYMMDDHHMN Format: PNG Average Size: 410 kB Frequency: Daily Satellite: AQUA Instrument: MODIS Channels / Bands used: 31 (10.30 – μm) / 32 (11.50 – μm) Projection: Rectangular Resolution: 1 x 1 km Naming Convention: INPE_SST_YYYYMMDDHHMN

Regional Water Products - MARN El Salvador Format: JPEG Average Size per image: 189 kB Frequency: 3 images per day Spatial Resolution: 15 km Naming Convention: gdi_24h_1 to gdi_24h_3 WRF Model - Galvez-Davison Index for Convective Instability (GDI) 24 Hours Average Format: JPEG Average Size per image: 227 kB Frequency: 22 images per day Spatial Resolution: 15 km Naming Convention: pptcada3h_1 to pptcada3h_22 WRF Model - Total Accumulated Precipitation in 3 hours

GLoFAS SOS server: JRC of the EU Commission is planning to implement a GloFAS SOS server, similar to “HydroServer” (OGC SOS) for the GloFAS forecasts. This would allow users to link observations with forecasts either within GloFAS or within the HydroServer visualization interface or, in fact, with any interface capable to work with OGC SOS. Partnerships for GEO Global Water Sustainability - GEOGLOWS HydroServer and Tethys Plaform are standards- based, open source tools, which are used for data management and dissemination, modeling, visualization, and decision support. HydroServer and the Tethys Platform were successfully used through NOAA's National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE) and GEO's CIEHLYC training program in Cartagena, Colombia during the summer of 2015.

Open Data Sharing: Implementation of Hydroserver by CorMagdalena/CIRMAG Olivero,J.(2015). “Río Magdalena entre Plato y Zambrano” [fotografía] Rio Magdalena: Puerto SalgarPuerto Salgar stations Data since 1970’s

Partnerships for GEOGLOWS Training organized by CUAHSI and NOAA

GEOGLOWS: Upcoming meetings and workshops, 2016 GEO-CIEHLYC – Iniciativa para la Sostenibilidad Global del Agua (GEOGLOWS) a través de GEO en América. April NASA Water Resources Team Meeting April 26 NWC - Tuscaloosa, Alabama AmeriGEOSS Week Meeting of the Americas Caucus and hands-on training June 6 - Bogota, Colombia Workshop on development of binational data (US - Canada) for hydrological modeling applications across Great Lakes basin June NOAA’s GLERL - Ann Arbor, Michigan.

AmeriGEOSS 2016 Calendar of Events

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