CMIP6, CORDEX, and related activities in Hamburg/Germany


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Presentation transcript:

CMIP6, CORDEX, and related activities in Hamburg/Germany Stephanie Legutke, DKRZ/Data Management COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

De-centralized CMIP6 design DECK (Diagnosis, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima) continuity: provide basis for ensembles across CMIPs qualifies for CMIPn archive (ESGF) AMIP pre-industrial control 1% p.y. CO2 increase abrupt 4xCO4 According to the community preferences captured in a wide survey after CMIP5, the CMIP6 design is more de-centralized than CMIP5. Also, CMIP6 is designed to support the continous model development process, in contrast to CMIP5 where all activities were managed by the CMIP5 project lead and a huge bulk of experiments was performed centralized in time (2011) and space (DKRZ) and group (DKRZ/MPI-M). 3 broad scientific questions (for CMIP simulations): Res., Syst.Biases, Var.... 6+1 challenges: Clouds, Cryos., Extr., Reg. Cl., Reg. SeaLevel Rise, Water, CORDEX CMIP6 endorsed diagnostic MIP application CMIP6 evolving external forcing, period historical CMIP6-endorsed MIPs run autonomously ... ScenarioMIP DAMIP COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015 CORDEX in CMIP6 CORDEX applied as diagnostic CMIP6-endorsed MIP (authored by Bill G., Filippo G.) Definition of diagnostic MIP: does not require additional ESM experiments data requests only from DECK/CMIP6/CMIP6-endorsedMIPs All-MIPs proposals scientifically revised and harmonized with other MIPs Final proposal to be submitted 31 March 2015 MIP Endorsement by CMIP Panel and WGCM co‐chairs, 30 April 2015 MoU being prepared: CORDEX data will be accessible with the CMIP6 ToU (i.e. unrestricted) CORDEX SAT meeting 25-27 Feb 2015 discussing details ??? s.b. COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

presumably replacing RCP6.0 as tier1 CORDEX data request 6hrly instantaneous: ps, ta, u/va, hus daily mean: tasmax, tasmin, tas surface dewpoint temperature huss, rhs, rhsmin/max uas, vas pr prw monthly mean: tos (SST) nice-to-have: daily soil moisture, snow amount snow albedo (deleted from the CMIP5 list) daily low&medium cloud cover 6hrly instantaneous geopot. height (850, 700, 500 hPa) (tier1) presumably replacing RCP6.0 as tier1 1950-2014 historical experiment 2015-2100 RCP8.5 (tier1) RCP4.5 (tier2) additional rcpx.y welcome (rcp2.6!) additional realisations welcome 30-yrs pre-industrial control 1950-2014 historicalNat/GHG/Misc (if available) DAMIP DECK CMIP6 ScenarioMIP low priority COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

Differences to CORDEX in CMIP5 no priority domain (prelim. info Bill G.) possibility to apply for new domain 2-3 sub-domains may be defined for each domain with target resolution 2-3 km for pilot/flagship study non-hydrostatic, cloud resolving? (SAT May 2014, 25-27 Feb 2015) issue: data access via ESGF no downscaling of decadal ‚predictions‘ or AMIP any more including ESD not yet probably in CMIP6 COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

Differences to CORDEX in CMIP5 cont. Emerging issues for discussion Possible increased focus on region-specific forcing or single-forcing effect (DAMIP} Effects of land-use change collaboration with the LUCID project Effects of aerosols Regional attribution EarthSystem coupling minutesSAT May 2014; 1st version of CMIP6 endorsedMIP application SAT 2015 (‘not a high priority’) CMIP6 data request in the final application for CMIP6 endorsement (6hrLev) COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

CORDEX forcing data request Provision of CORDEX forcing data depends on the willingness to participate in a MIP Entry criteria for ScenarioMIP: SSP5-8.5, SSP1/2-6.0, SSP1-2.6 Entry criteria for DAMIP: 2nd an 3rd historical GHG-only NAT-only AER-only and on the willingness to provide the large-volume data rcp4.5 (decision pending) COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

CMIP Organization and Governance WGCM co-chaired by S. Bony and C. Senior Ensure communication between MGs, CMIP Panel, WIP, WCRP Gr.Chall., core projects Organize the review of MIP proposals for CMIP6 endorsement CMIP Panel chaired by V. Eyring J. Meehl, B. Stevens, R. Stouffer, K. Taylor Coordinate CMIP, DECK, and CMIPn historical simulation Approve endorsement of MIPs, scientific content of CMIP data request Facilitate communication between MIPs, MGs and WIP COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

CMIP Organization and Governance cont. WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP) co-chaired by V. Balaji and K. Taylor Establish standards and policies for sharing climate model output Ensure consistency across WGCM activities Extend standards as needed. Guide for infrastructure requirements (service, accessibility, security) Oversee and assemble (technically) the CMIP6 data Members: Luca Cinquini: NASA JPL Cecelia DeLuca: NOAA Sebastien Denvil: IPSL Mark Elkington: MOHC Eric Guilyardi: IPSL Martin Juckes: BADC Slava Kharin: CCCma Michael Lautenschlager: DKRZ Bryan Lawrence : NCAS, BADC Dean Williams: PCMDI COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015 Time lines COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

Fund rising initiative Partners: BTU/CLMcom, CS2.0, DKRZ, DLR, DWD, MPI-M, ..? Funding Agency: BMBF? Tentative Title: Services around CMIP6 in Hamburg/Germany Activities: configure, install, and use of CMOR (all MIPs) compatibility of CDOs with CMIP6+ standards CMOR-lite (easy to use toolkit to ‚CMORize‘) CMIP6+ simulations (ScenarioMIP, DAMIP, CORDEX, ...) Processing/formatting data for (ESGF) CMIP6 archive simulations observations ESGF services additional data products (ECV, climate indices, ..?) ESMValTools COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

Possible ESMValTool diagnostic Support ESM selection: e.g. historical 1986-2015 all CORDEX domains Sven Kotlarski ESMValTool: Requests for additional diagnostics are welcome e.g. enable to help chosing GCM forcing (cold/warm, wet/dry model, ... per domain) COSMO CLM User Meeting, Offenbach, 6-7 March 2015

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKRZ entry requirement for ScenarioMIP KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKRZ 19.947 aaaaaa ssssss sssss 4.5 (maybe) 4.231 8.345 DCPP, SolarMIP, 17.624 CORDEX