F 2 TE 3. Highest efficiency and freedom in the design of buildings Highly transparent envelope facade system: 3,5 cm transparent facade that insualtes.


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Presentation transcript:

F 2 TE 3. Highest efficiency and freedom in the design of buildings Highly transparent envelope facade system: 3,5 cm transparent facade that insualtes the same as a 30 cm conventional brick wall A multidisciplinary research team from ETS Arquitectura and Facultad de Informática at UPM has developed an envelope facade system, superinsulating (80-91% higher than current solutions), with cost savings in energy efficiency up to 77%, and highly transparent (89% in light transmission). Moreover, it allows free-form designs for use in all kind of arquitectural projects. The construction sector business sector is growing at a rate of 4,4-5,1% worldwide, in particular, the glazing manufacturing sector industry. In pre-production development stage, this solution has already been highlighted by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), through its main developer, Luis A. Alonso, as one of the young people under 35 years most innovative of the year in Spain (TR35, MIT Technology Review). “Energy savings through the building envelope with a minimum thickness (3,5 cm transparent facade that insualtes the same as a 30 cm conventional brick wall) including free-form designs” Technology solution F 2 TE 3 is a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, envelope system that provides for seamless, free-form designs for use in arquitectural projects. Its innovative design combines thermal insulation materials (encapsulated transparent monolithic aerogel) with new technologies (vacuum chamber) to provide a vacuum insulation panel (VIP). The patented solution enables a complete facade system design, both in version transparent area for windows and opaque one for walls. Model simulations ensure meet both spanish CTE (Technical Building Code) and UNE standards. F 2 TE 3 technical performance provides highly relevant and specific values in terms of acoustics, energy performance and light transmission. Areas of application  Construction and materials: energy efficiency applied to construction. Technology solution supported by the Technical University of Madrid

Competitive advantages 80-91% more insulation than current curtain-wall systems, which implies direct savings between 42-77% (according to the British Fenestration RatingCouncil). High degree of light transmission: 89% transparency. Maximized solar control: reducing UV transmission up to 0% and IR transmission up to 10% “Overlap” system between panels that is able to eliminate thermal bridging and to improve insulation in the union of those ones. This weakness has been detected in 90% of current commercial systems. Almost 100% recyclable. Soft covering: rigid and strict modules unrestricted. High strength: best existing rating according to UNE-EN 1419:2004 standard. References Multidisciplinary promoter team of recognized standing in the fields of energy efficiency in buildings, manufacturing architectural panels and artificial intelligence and simulation. Solution already highlighted by the MIT, through its main developer, Luis A. Alonso, as one of the young people under 35 years most innovative of the year in Spain (TR35, MIT Technology Review). Best Presentation Award at 5th Global Institution Conference & Exhibition (Londres, 2010). Market demands Energy inefficiency of building envelope solutions, particularly, the transparent ones. The challenge of curtain walls is energy saving and solar control to implement targets by 2020 (reduce by 20% the primary energy consumption in the EU). Current challenge of designing curtain wall facades in a more spectacular and visual way. Improving the level of occupant satisfaction in buildings (for reference only, 27% ​​higher in users of environmentally certified buildings) [LEED]. Adapting the living spaces to the current needs of users, both professionally and personally. Structures with higher flexibility are required, in particular in geographic areas of greatest seismic hazard. Market potential The energy efficiency sector accounted for 1,8% of spanish GPD in From 2005 to 2010, it drove M€ just in partnership collaborations. [Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España]. Worldwide, the construction industry worldwide is growing at a rate of %, in particular, the glazing area [Business Economics]. The overall doors and windows market is a global business valued at – M€, and a approximately 5% growth, half of it focused on windows [Business Economics]. Big companies in the curtain-wall industry account for 76% market, valued at M€ at european level [Standard and Poor’s]. Spain is the second european manufacturer of windows, with an estimated 10% of production. IPR Patent granted in Spain ES International patent applied via PCT PCT/ES2013/ WO 2014/ Development stage F 2 TE 3 contact Luis Alberto Alonso Pastor ETS Arquitectura – UPM e: luisalberto.alonso.pastorupm.es UPM contact Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Area Centre of Support for Technological Innovation – UPM e: Concept Lab Prototype Industrial Prototype R & D Production “Luis Alonso Pastor, F 2 TE 3 main developer, has been highlighted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as one of the young people under 35 years most innovative of the year in Spain” “Improving insulation, energy efficiency and lifetime (5 times higher) than competing solutions, F 2 TE 3 has a lower cost, around 1,4 and 3,7 lower than those ones”