BUILDING UP project Laszlo Bax CEO Bax & Willems Consulting Venturing September 2012
2Sept Agenda 1.What is BuildingUp: objective, partners, timeline of project 2.Relation of BuildingUp to E2BA (roadmap) and to future initiatives (Horizon 2020, Smart Cities EIP) 3.Outcomes of the project: 7 cross-sector priority areas 4.How does that relate to the chemistry industry: example priorities 5.Possible next steps
3Sept Objective of Building Up Identify and elaborate cross-sector priorities on materials (NMP) research and innovation for energy-efficient buildings End result A medium-term (2020) and long-term (2050) ‘roadmap’ of cross-ETP colaboration relevant topics and targets What is BuildingUp
4Sept Partners
5Sept Partners ChemistryMaterials WoodConstruction Steel Management Textiles Dissemination European Technology Platforms Supporting partners
6Sept The process
7Sept BuildingUp feeds into E2BA, Horizon 2020 The cross-sector priorities identified in BuildingUp have contributed to the (more generic) E2BA roadmap of the construction industry The E2BA roadmap directly links to the proposed next PPP on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Horizon 2020, serving as input for the formulation of the future call topics That EeB2 PPP requests some €1 billion of EC funding for research, which is double the amount of money the first EeB PPP received Building Up also contributed to the Suschem Position paper on the Smart Cities EIP emitted this Spring 2012
8Sept List of Cross-ETP Areas (CP) CP1 Performance Based Approach for building components, including sustainable design, Life Cycle Analysis CP2 Energy efficient multi-material composites with low embodied energy and carbon CP3 Healthy and comfortable indoor environment, including air quality, ventilation, lighting, acoustic performance CP4 New materials and systems, technologies, testing methods and control systems for electricity and thermal generation and storage CP5 Advanced thermal insulation construction materials and components for new buildings and existing buildings CP6 Building materials recyclability and re-use of components CP7 Renewable resource-based products to substitute non-renewable based products
9Sept CP1 Performance Based Approach for building components, including sustainable design, Life Cycle Analysis Performance Based Approach for building components, including sustainable design, Life Cycle AnalysisCP1 CP2 Energy efficient multi-material composites with low embodied energy and carbon CP2 CP3 Healthy and comfortable indoor environment, including air quality, ventilati on, lighting, acoustic performance CP3 CP5 Advanced thermal insulation construction materials and components for new buildings and existing buildings CP5 CP4 New materials and systems, technologies, testing methods and control systems for electricity and thermal generation and storage CP4 CP6 Building materials recyclability and re-use of components CP6 CP7 Renewable resource-based products to substitute non- renewable based products Renewable resource-based products to substitute non- renewable based productsCP7 List of Cross-ETP Areas (CP)
10Sept Example of topic / area
11Sept Generic points identified in BuildingUp SME contractors (95% of the construction sector) require de-risking of innovative technologies to be able to adopt them, which means: –Standardisation of innovations to make them ‘normal’ practice –Training of SME constructors / installers / contractors –Warrantees on innovative materials at least equal to traditional ones Financial incentives for refurbishment of existing buildings are still often (not always!) necessary to allow building owners to invest; an alternative would be to penalize NOT refurbishing (e.g. through taxation based on energy rating of buildings) Renewable source materials achieve lower embedded energy leading to better LCA; an alternative to renewable source materials is recycling
12Sept Beyond today Based on the priority topics set by the BuildingUp roadmap and interests expressed by Suschem members, we are considering to develop specific activities geared at creating successful x-sector collaborations during 2013 The present timeline managed by the EC targets first calls for proposals of Horizon 2020 to close by early 2014 Of course also non-EU-funded shorter term x-sector collaborations can be developed Let us know your plans involving x-sector collaborations!
13Sept BOOSTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN CONSTRUCTION BUILDING UP workshop Thursday 4th October 2012 Leuven, Belgium Invitation: meet the other sectors
14Sept Roger de Lluria Barcelona, Spain Tel: Fax: Laszlo Bax Harilaos Vasiliadis Thank you! Please join us at our stand: Salle des Nations I/II
15Sept Distribution of estimated cost in terms of needed private and public funding
16Sept New FP7 call topics: A selection of relevant topics: EeB.NMP Nanotechnology for multifunctional lightweight construction materials and components EeB.NMP Safe, energy-efficient and affordable new eco-innovative materials for building envelopes and/or partitions to provide a healthier indoor environment EeB.NMP Integration of technologies for energy-efficient solutions in the renovation of public buildings EeB.NMP Achieving high efficiency by deep retrofitting in the case of commercial buildings EeB.ENV Energy efficient retrofitting and renewal of existing buildings for sustainable urban districts NMP Developing new precursors, new processing routes and functionalisations for carbon fibres Opportunities to network on these topics through SusChem Brokerage Database or by discussing with the BuildingUp representatives at our stand!
17Sept What you can do now 1.Take part in FP7 call topics which are now open! 2.Indicate your interest in specific topics on which you would like to organise or attend Innovation workshops in 2013 to prepare for Horizon 2020 hot topics coming out from the E2BA roadmap 3.Find complementary partners through the SusChem brokerage database Join us at our stand in Salle des Nations I/II and let’s talk about how cross-sector collaboration can help you in your energy-efficient buildings innovations!
18Sept by 2020 Development, Integration and Optimization of advanced technologies for multifunctional energy efficient glazing Target reduction of CO 2 emission, reduction of airconditioning use, Safety, Fire Resistance and comfort Advanced coatings and multifunctional materials for Low-E and solar control glass Technologies Expected outcomes Applications EXAMPLE: Glass-based products including smart windows Advanced Smart windows integrating different technologies Smart Windows and Façades, focus on public buildings and social housing Smart Windows and Façades, focus on private buildings High-Strength and acoustic insulating Glass (flexible glass, lightweight glass, self-healing glass) reduction of CO 2 emission reduction of airconditioning use Safety, Fire Resistance and comfort Solar thermal collectors, photovoltaic modules and Concentrated Solar Power plants
19Sept Example Priority 1
20Sept Example Priority 2