Nutrition Essential Questions: What is nutrition? What are two types of nutrition? Nutrition includes those activities by which organisms obtain and process material needed for energy, growth, repair, and regulation.
Two Types of Nutrition: I Heterotrophic Autotrophic Autotrophic (autotroph): organisms that can make their own food by photosynthesis. Heterotrophic (heterotrophs)-organisms that cannot make their own food, thus must obtain if from other sources.
Vocabulary: Ingestion-process of taking in food. Digestion-process of breaking down food particles into molecules small enough to be absorbed by cells
Intracellular Digestion:digestion inside a cell. Exs. Paramecium and ameba Exs. Paramecium and ameba
Exracellular Digestion:digestion outside of a cell. Followed by the absorption of the end- products. Exs. mushrooms, people, earthworm
Parts of Digestion: Mechanical (physical) Chemical Mechanical Digestion-breakdown of foods to small particles. Can pass through structures. Increase surface area for enzymes Chemical Digestion-chemical breakdown of food. Accomplished by enzymes.
Essential Question: What is the pathway of food through the digestive system?
Process of Digestion: Mouth: Mechanical Digestion:by teeth, tongue, and hard palate. Chemical Digestion: By saliva (salivary glands) Breaks down starch.
Food is prevented from going down the trachea(windpipe) by the epiglottis. Epiglottis-flap of skin that covers opening to trachea. Closes when you swallow food.
Esophagus inch transport tube to the stomach. Peristalsis-slow rhythmic contractions of the digestive system.
Stomach- a Muscular sac like pouch. Mechanically breaks down food(cement mixer). Chemically breaks down food with aid of gastric glands. Gastric Glands- Millions line stomach. Millions line stomach. Secrete gastric juice. Gastric Juice- Combination of HCl, water, and enzymes. Breakdown proteins. Has muscular valve at both ends: cardiac sphincter cardiac sphincter pyloric sphincter pyloric sphincter
Small Intestine: 6 m long and 2.5 cm wide. 6 m long and 2.5 cm wide. Chemical Digestion by secretions from: the liver, pancreas, and intestinal glands. Chemical Digestion by secretions from: the liver, pancreas, and intestinal glands. 95% of chemical digestion occurs here. 95% of chemical digestion occurs here.
Cat’s Intestines
Essential Question: What are some of the functions of the liver? Liver: Largest organ in body. Stores glycogen excess sugar). 3 lobbed. Stores vitamins. Exs. B12,, K, D Produces bile. Breaks down old red blood cells.
Time to see a Doctor!!
Essential Questions: What is bile? What is its function? Bile: Greenish-yellow substance. Greenish-yellow substance. Produced in liver. Stored in gallbladder. Breaks down fats(mechanical digestion).
Small Intestine Contains millions of villi. Absorption of end- products digestion. Villi-finger-like projections that absorb the end- products of digestion.
Essential Questions: What are villi? What is the function of villi?
Essential Question: What are the functions of the large intestine? Large Intestine(colon): 1.5 m long, 6.5 cm wide. Re-absorption of water. Contains anaerobic bacteria-produces vitamin b12 and K.
Rectum-stores feces(solid wastes). Anus-wastes are egested(eliminated). Appendix-small pouch at end of small intestine and beginning of large intestine Vestigial organ. Each meal takes about hours to be digested and absorbed.
Essential Question: What are nutrients and how are they related to homeostasis ? Nutrients: The six main types of nutrients are CHO, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. The first three types-CHO, lipids, and proteins can be caused by the body as sources of energy.
Proteins: Body needs 20 different amino acids. Body needs 20 different amino acids. Can only make 12 amino acids. Can only make 12 amino acids. Must ingest the other 18(known as essential AA). Must ingest the other 18(known as essential AA). Sources: meat, beans, whole grains, eggs, dairy products. Sources: meat, beans, whole grains, eggs, dairy products. Beans and rice Beans and rice
Vitamins: Need for growth and to maintain metabolism(help enzymes). Two Types: a. Fat soluble: D (absorption of Ca) K (blood clotting) E (formation RBC and DNA) b. Water soluble: C (protein metabolism and wound healing) B1(neurotransmitters)
Minerals: 1. Inorganic substance. Building material or aids in chemical reactions. 4% of the body.
Water: Most abundant substance in body. Needed for chemical reactions, digestion, helps maintain homeostasis by absorbing heat and slowly releasing it. Lose 2.5L water daily due to exhalation, sweat, and urine.
Roughage (fiber): Needed to force the muscles of the digestive system to work harder. Helps to prevent constipation(too much water is removed). Removes dangerous substances or toxins.
What are calories? Calorie: Energy content of food. Measured in units of heat. 1g fat = 9 calories 1g CHO = 4 calories
Diseases Associated With Nutrition: Diseases Associated With Nutrition: Constipation-too much water is absorbed. Diarrhea-too little water re-absorbed in large intestine, thus feces is too liquid. Colon Cancer: Linked to genes. Linked to feces moving too slowly through colon (lack roughage).
Essential Questions: What are ulcers? What is the cause of ulcers? What is the treatment for ulcers? D. Ulcers: Holes in stomach or small intestine. Holes in stomach or small intestine. Due to bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori). Due to bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori). Appendicitis: Infection of the appendix. Infection of the appendix. Pain, vomiting, high fever. Pain, vomiting, high fever. Must be removed Must be removed
Skin Ulcers
Bulimia-binge eating, followed by vomiting