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Presentation transcript:


COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course focuses on the chemical properties, structures, reactions, and biological functions of macromolecules, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. In addition, an introduction to enzymes, vitamins, and hormones and their chemistry in living systems will also be covered. Laboratories provide hands-on experience in biochemistry fundamentals, the interface between molecules and materials, and the characterization of biomolecules.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course, students will be able to: A.Recognize the major types of chemical bonds. B.Describe the concepts of pH, buffers and the difference between acids and bases. C.Identify and characterize carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleic acids. D.Recognize the structures and functions of major biomolecules in living system. E.Classify enzymes and explain the terminology used with them. F.Recognize general functions of hormones. G.Identify the types of vitamins and their importance to human body H.Develop familiarity with biochemical laboratory instrumentations and techniques.

Text book

COURSE TOPICS : I-Introduction: 1- Definition 2- Biological Structures 3- Chemical bonds 4- Properties of water II- Carbohydrates 1- Monosaccharides 2- Disaccharides 3- Polysaccharides 4- Digestion of carbohydrates III- Amino acids 1- Structures and general properties 2- Peptide bonds 3- Classifications and characteristics 4- Acidic basic properties

IV- Proteins 1- Primary structures 2- Secondary structures 3- Tertiary structures 4- Quaternary structures V- Lipids and Membranes 1- Lipid classification 2- Properties of lipid aggregates 3- Biological membranes 4- Membrane assembly and protein targeting 5- Lipoproteins VI- Nucleotides and Nucleosides and Bases 1- The chemical structures of DNA and RNA VII- Introduction to 1- Enzymes 2- Hormones 3- Vitamins

Text books& References Bettelheim, F. (2007). Introduction to general, organic, and Biochemistry (8 th ed). Belmont, Thomson Brooks/Cole. ISBN-13: Biochemistry, Campbell and Farrell, 5 th edition. Publisher 2006 Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry, edition. Publisher 2008

TEACHING LEARNING STRATEGIES: To do well, students should attend class and take very detailed notes. You should rely on your lecture notes rather than the text as your primary study resource. You will be responsible for everything covered in lecture, but not responsible for material that is covered in the text but not in lecture. It is not possible to cover all the topics in the text. To get most out of the lectures, it is recommended you read the text before lecture, and then reread the text in more detail after the lecture to make sure you understand all concepts. The lectures move quite rapidly, so reading the text before lecture will improve your comprehension. Always go over your lecture notes within a day of the lecture.

. POLICIES: Attendance & Tardiness: Any student missing a class/classes will be counted absent and her absence will fall within the 25% absence range It is the student’s responsibility to make sure she is not missing any exam, quizzes or any other course class assignments. All students are responsible for work missed during their absence. The course instructor is NOT obliged to repeat her lecture or coursework missed by the student due to her absence.

Students are expected to meet the following: Be punctual in coming to class. You will be marked absent if you enter the class after five minutes of starting time. Absenteeism for more than 25% of allocated course lectures, will entitle the instructor to stop you from attending the final exam.” You will receive an F grade. Turn off mobile telephones during classes. If a mobile rings during class it will be taken from the student and returned only at the end of the semester. Do not leave the classroom except in case of emergency and when the instructor gives you the permission to do so. There might be a quiz after each chapter (topic) is finished. These quizzes will not be repeated. Any late/missed assignments will not be accepted after the due date, automatically resulting in a zero. Food and drink are not allowed in the class.

COURSE EVALUATION/GRADING: 4 exams will be given throughout the semester Multiple choice, Fill in the blank, True and False, Matching and Answer short question. IndicatorPoints Quizzes 20 Laboratory25 Midterm20 Final30 Attendance5 Total100

List of TopicsNo. of Weeks Hijri Date 1434/1435 References Course introductory1 25/3---29/3 Introduction of general biochemistry& Types of bonds 2 2/4---6/4 Chapter 4 Chapter 7 Carbohydrates chemistry3&4 9/4---13/4 16/4---20/4 Chapter 9 First Exam 20/4/1435 Lipids chemistry5&6 23/4---27/4Chapter 20 Proteins chemistry7&8 8/5---12/5& 15/5—19/5 Chapter 22 Mid Exam 19/5/1435 إجازة منتصف العام Amino acid chemistry9&10 29/5---3/6 6/6---10/6 Chapter 22 Nucleotides, nucleic acids and heredity 11&1213/6---17/6 20/6---24/6 Chapter 25 Second Exam20/6/1435 Introduction to Enzymes & Hormones 13&1427/6---2/7 5/7---9/7 Chapter 23 &24 Vitamins1512/7---16/7Chapter 30 Revision1619/7---23/7 Final Exam26/7---7/8