Leading the way into a Green Future through National Energy Technology Innovation.


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Presentation transcript:

Leading the way into a Green Future through National Energy Technology Innovation

Budget / Employee (as of 2012) : $800M / 170 staff Strategy 4 Established in 2009, KETEP (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning) is government funding agency under Ministry of Knowledge Economy New & Renewable Center Korea Electric Power Corporation Korea Energy Management Corporation New & Renewable Center Korea Electric Power Corporation Korea Energy Management Corporation Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4

Winning nuclear power plant construction order in UAE * 5.6million kW(4 plants of 1.4million kW, approximately 20 billion USD) Attainment of MMIS localization * more than 350 million USD of import substitution effect expected Continuous localization of core plant design code and nuclear reactor coolant pump (~2012)