Plant Resources of South East Asia (PROSEA ) memasuki Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN Dedy Darnaedi PROSEA Association, RC. Biology – LIPI, Bogor Ceramah Rabu, Puslit Biologi-LIPI, CSC-Bogor, 4 April 2016
Status PROSEA is an international program focusing on the documentation of information on plant resources of South East Asia, inter-diciplinary, covering the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and botany. Objectives to document and make available the existing wealth of information on the plant resources of South East Asia for education, extension work, research and industry. Disseminating information for their better utilizations
Anggota PROSEA Foundation ( ) 1. Wageningen University, Netherlands 2. Puslit Biologi-LIPI ASEAN representatives : 1.FRIM, Malaysia 2.IEBR-NCNST, Vietnam 3.TISTR, Thailand 4.PCARRD, Philippine
Product PROSEA Dalam 20 tahun, oleh 1,000 peneliti dan pakar botani nasional, regional dan internasional Dihasilkan 19 Volume, 24 buku dengan halaman. Terbit bertahap dalam seri PROSEA. Memuat jenis tumbuhan bernilai ekonomi. Plant resources.
(19 Volume, 24 buku dengan halaman) Vol 1. Pulses : 25 species Vol 2. Edible Fruits and Nuts : 120 major species and 270 minor species Vol 3. Dye and Tannin-Pruducing Plants : 53 major species and 500 minor species Vol 4. Forages : 114 major species and 500 minor species Vol 5. Timber Trees : 5 (1). 500 species major commercial ; 5 (2). 800 species minor commercial; 5 (3) less commercial Vol 6. Rattans : 25 major species and 30 minor species Vol 7. Bamboo : 45 major species and 30 minor species Vol 8. Vegetable : 100 major species, 125 minor species dan 800 species pemanfaatan sekunder Vol 9. Plants Yielding Non-Seed Carbofydrates : 54 major crops dan 50 minor crops Vol 10. Cereals : 20 major species, 9 minor species and 25 less use Vol 11. Auxiliary Plants : 78 major species, 107 minor species, 15 jenis pemanfaatan sekunder Vol 12. Medicial and Poisonous Plant : 1300 species, bersumber dari 550 publikasi Vol 13. Spices : 61 major species,65 minor species, 150 species less use Vol 14. Vegetable Oil and Fats :56 species Vol 15 (1). Cryptogams Algae : 218 species Vol 15 (2). Cryptogams Fern and Fern Allies : 100 species Vol 16. Stimulants : 20 major species, 34 minor species, 250 species less use Vol 17. Fibre Plants : 72 species, 129 minor species Vol 18. Plants Producing Exudates : 15 major crops, 40 minor species, 272 species less use Vol 19. Essential-Oil Plants : 37 major crops, 31 minor species, 400 species less use. Synthesize information on the 6,000 – 7,000 useful plants of the region
Documentation A documentation system has been developed for information storage and retrieval called SAPRIS (South East Asian Plant Resources Information System). It consists of 6 data bases:. BASELIST : Primarily a checklist of more than 6200 plant species. CATALOG : References to secondary literature. PREPHASE : References to literature from South East Asia. ORGANYM : References to institutions and their research activities. PERSONYM : References to specialist. TEXTFILE : All PROSEA publications and additional information. In 2005 the documentation system changed to open access system (BRAM), but there was a problem in migrating the data. Now only percent of data are available.
Wageningen University March 2016 Voluntary PROW Fund To make more widely available By duplicate webdatabase % - to 100 % services
ASEAN Foundation, 21 November 2012
Kesimpulan dan Saran: 1.Seri buku PROSEA sangat relefan dipakai sebagai sumber informasi dasar berbagai potensi tumbuhan di ASEAN (termasuk Indonesia)…perlu up dating Karena itu PROSEA dapat diposisikan sebagai Pusat Informasi Tumbuhan Ekonomi ASEAN…. LIPI dengan Secretariat ASEAN 2. PROSEA perlu membuat Link dengan jejaring lainnya (geospatial, specimen based data based, komunitas group tumbuhan terpilih dll). Seperti: InaBIF; ABCD Net, PROTA, ESABII dll 3. Perlu memberi perhatian pada jenis-jenis yang tersebar hanya di Indonesia, sebagai keunggulan (endemik Indonesia). ---ABS 3. Untuk jenis2 yang tersebar luas, perlu memberi perlindungan secara khusus. Jenis yang sama dan tersebar luas berlomba untuk memanfaatkan dan “mematenkan” potensi yang dimilikinya ABS
Terima kasih
Data dan informasi PROSEA, menunggu analisa lebih lanjut
The ASEAN Foundation received the visit of representatives from PROSEA (Plant Resources of South East Asia) Association on 21 November Dr. Makarim Wibisono, the ASEAN Foundation Executive Director, warmly welcomed the guests, Prof. Dr. Endang Sukara, Chairman of PROSEA Association, and Prof. Dr. Dedy Darnaedi, M.Sc., Director of PROSEA Association. Prof. Endang Sukara introduced PROSEA Association and its main goal, which is documenting information on plant resources in Southeast Asia and making them widely available for use by the education, extension, research, and industry sectors as well as for the end users. These PROSEA Association’s activities also help identify which plants are categorised as endangered species and prevent them from extinction by encouraging their preservation through more plantings of them. With twenty years of work involving more than 1,000 scientists from Indonesia and Netherlands, PROSEA Association has managed to identify those plants and has compiled them into 19 series of books, of which now serve as guidebooks for other scientists and also text books for students. For its achievement, PROSEA Association received Silver Medal from the Government of Netherlands in 2003.
These representatives of PROSEA Association further informed that due to the rapid development in biological sciences, it had come to the Association’s attention that the books needed to be revised and the web database needed to be improved. By digitising the books and bringing them online, it is expected that more people will receive the benefit of this valuable publication. Socialisation to farmers in ASEAN of these books can also help the farmers to identify which plants are beneficial to the environment and health. Prof. Dedy Darnaedi pointed out his hope for PROSEA Association and the ASEAN Foundation to collaborate and finally contribute to ASEAN people by way of exploring the value of ASEAN biodiversity for sustainable development. Nurturing partnership with other ASEAN regional organisation such as this PROSEA Association will help promote greater awareness of ASEAN and greater interaction among the peoples of ASEAN as well as their wider participation in ASEAN's activities, of which fall under the mandate of the ASEAN Foundation as stipulated in its Memorandum of Understanding on its establishment.
Beberapa publikasi LBN, Puslit Biologi – LIPi yang perlu disimak 1.Seri Buku Hijau 2.Bioresources 3.PROSEA
Vol 1. Pulses : 25 species Vol 2. Edible Fruits and Nuts : 120 major species and 270 minor species Vol 3. Dye and Tannin-Pruducing Plants : 53 major species and 500 minor species Vol 4. Forages : 114 major species and 500 minor species Vol 5. Timber Trees : 5 (1). 500 species major commercial ; 5 (2). 800 species minor commercial; 5 (3) less commercial Vol 6. Rattans : 25 major species and 30 minor species Vol 7. Bamboo : 45 major species and 30 minor species Vol 8. Vegetable : 100 major species, 125 minor species dan 800 species pemanfaatan sekunder Vol 9. Plants Yielding Non-Seed Carbofydrates : 54 major crops dan 50 minor crops Vol 10. Cereals : 20 major species, 9 minor species and 25 less use Vol 11. Auxiliary Plants : 78 major species, 107 minor species, 15 jenis pemanfaatan sekunder Vol 12. Medicial and Poisonous Plant : 1300 jenis yang disusun dari sedikitnya 550 publikasi terakhir Vol 13. Spices : 61 major species,65 minor species, 150 species less use Vol 14. Vegetable Oil and Fats :56 species Vol 15 (1). Cryptogams Algae :218 species 15 (2). Cryptogams Fern and Fern Allies : 100 species Vol 16. Stimulants :20 major species, 34 minor species, 250 species less use Vol 17. Fibre Plants :72 species, 129 minor species Vol 18. Plants Producing Exudates : 15 major crops, 40 minor species, 272 species less use Vol 19. Essential-Oil Plants :37 major crops, 31 minor species, 400 species less use. Product: Synthesize information on the 7,000 – 8,000 useful plants of the region
Vol 10. Cereals : 20 major species, 9 minor species and 25 less use Vol 11. Auxiliary Plants : 78 major species, 107 minor species, 15 jenis pemanfaatan sekunder Vol 12. Medicial and Poisonous Plant : 1300 jenis yang disusun dari sedikitnya 550 publikasi terakhir Vol 13. Spices : 61 major species,65 minor species, 150 species less use Vol 14. Vegetable Oil and Fats :56 species Vol 15 (1). Cryptogams Algae :218 species 15 (2). Cryptogams Fern and Fern Allies : 100 species Vol 16. Stimulants :20 major species, 34 minor species, 250 species less use Vol 17. Fibre Plants :72 species, 129 minor species Vol 18. Plants Producing Exudates : 15 major crops, 40 minor species, 272 species less use Vol 19. Essential-Oil Plants :37 major crops, 31 minor species, 400 species less use