I. Bacterial Cell Division 5.1 Binary Fission 5.2 Fts Proteins and Cell Division 5.3 MreB and Cell Morphology 5.4 Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis
5.1 Binary Fission Growth: increase in the number of cells Binary fission: cell division following enlargement of a cell to twice its minimum size (Figure 5.1) Generation time: time required for microbial cells to double in number During cell division, each daughter cell receives a “chromosome” and sufficient copies of all other cell constituents to exist as an independent cell
Figure 5.1 Cell elongation Septum Septum formation One generation Septum Completion of septum; formation of walls; cell separation Figure 5.1 Binary fission in a rod-shaped prokaryote. Figure 5.1 3
5.2 Fts Proteins and Cell Division Fts (filamentous temperature-sensitive) proteins (Figure 5.2) Essential for cell division in all prokaryotes Interact to form the divisome (cell division apparatus) FtsZ: forms ring around center of cell; tubulin homolog FtsK protein mediates separation of chromosomes to daughter cells FtsA: helps connect FtsZ ring to membrane and also recruits other divisome proteins Homologous to actin
Figure 5.2 ATP GTP Figure 5.2 The FtsZ ring and cell division. 5 Outer membrane ZipA FtsI Peptidoglycan FtsA Cytoplasmic membrane FtsK ATP GTP GDP + Pi ADP + Pi FtsZ ring Divisome complex FtsZ ring Cytoplasmic membrane Figure 5.2 The FtsZ ring and cell division. Figure 5.2 5
5.3 MreB and Cell Morphology Prokaryotes contain a cell cytoskeleton that is dynamic and multifaceted MreB: major shape determining factor in prokaryotes Forms simple cytoskeleton in Bacteria and probably Archaea Forms spiral-shaped bands around the inside of the cell, underneath the cytoplasmic membrane (Figure 5.5a and b) Not found in coccus-shaped bacteria
5.3 MreB and Cell Morphology MreB (cont'd) Localizes synthesis of new peptidoglycan and other cell wall components to specific locations along the cylinder of a rod-shaped cell during growth Thought to control rod vs coccus morphology-hence direction or polarity of cell
Figure 5.5a FtsZ Cell wall Cytoplasmic membrane MreB Sites of cell wall synthesis Figure 5.5a MreB and crescentin as determinants of cell morphology. Figure 5.5a 8
5.3 MreB and Cell Morphology Crescentin: shape-determining protein produced by vibrio-shaped cells of Caulobacter crescentus Crescentin protein organizes into filaments ~10 nm wide that localize on the concave face of the curved cells (Figure 5.5c) Vibrio cholerae is the most famous of the vibrio organisms-an organism for the list Causative agent of cholera-a serious GI disorder
5.3 MreB and Cell Morphology Most archaeal genomes contain FtsZ and MreB-like proteins; thus, cell morphology is similar to that seen in Bacteria
A review on prokaryotic cell structure http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1594594/
5.4 Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis Production of new cell wall material is a major feature of cell division In cocci, cell walls grow in opposite directions outward from the FtsZ ring In rod-shaped cells, growth occurs at several points along length of the cell
5.4 Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis Preexisting peptidoglycan needs to be severed to allow newly synthesized peptidoglycan to form (Figure 5.6) Beginning at the FtsZ ring, small openings in the wall are created by autolysins New cell wall material is added across the openings Wall band: junction between new and old peptidoglycan
Figure 5.6 FtsZ ring Wall bands Growth zone Septum Figure 5.6 Cell wall synthesis in gram-positive Bacteria. Figure 5.6 14
5.4 Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis Bactoprenol: carrier molecule that plays major role in insertion of peptidoglycan precursors C55 alcohol (Figure 5.7) Bonds to N-acetylglucosamine/N-acetylmuramic acid/pentapeptide peptidoglycan precursor
Hydrophobic portion Peptidoglycan precursor Bactoprenol: carrier molecule that plays major role in insertion of peptidoglycan precursors C55 alcohol (Figure 5.7)Bonds to N-acetylglucosamine/N-acetylmuramic acid/pentapeptide peptidoglycan precursor Figure 5.7 Bactoprenol (undecaprenol diphosphate). Peptidoglycan precursor Figure 5.7 16
Figure 5.8a Peptidoglycan Growing point of cell wall Cytoplasmic Transglycosylase activity Growing point of cell wall Cytoplasmic membrane Autolysin activity Out In Figure 5.8a Peptidoglycan synthesis. Pentapeptide Bactoprenol Figure 5.8a 17
5.4 Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis Transpeptidation: final step in cell wall synthesis (Figure 5.8b) Forms the peptide cross-links between muramic acid residues in adjacent glycan chains Inhibited by the antibiotic penicillin
II. Population Growth 5.5 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth 5.6 The Growth Cycle 5.7 Continuous Culture
5.5 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth Most bacteria have shorter generation times than eukaryotic microbes Generation time is dependent on growth medium and incubation conditions
5.5 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth Exponential growth: growth of a microbial population in which cell numbers double within a specific time interval During exponential growth, the increase in cell number is initially slow but increases at a faster rate (Figure 5.9)
Figure 5.9 Logarithmic plot Arithmetic plot Figure 5.9 The rate of growth of a microbial culture. Figure 5.9 22
Disambiguation Above is only an illustration of one phase of the growth of a bacterial culture-an illustration of exponential growth. In real life the full growth curve is more complicated. Dependent on factors such as availability of nutrients and accumulation of wastes.
5.5 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth A relationship exists between the initial number of cells present in a culture and the number present after a period of exponential growth: N = N02n N is the final cell number N0 is the initial cell number n is the number of generations during the period of exponential growth
5.5 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth Generation time (g) of the exponentially growing population is g = t/n t is the duration of exponential growth n is the number of generations during the period of exponential growth Generation time (g) of the exponentially growing population is the time it takes for the population to double
5.5 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth Specific growth rate (k) is calculated as k = 0.301/g Division rate (v) is calculated as v = 1/g
5.6 The Growth Cycle Batch culture: a closed-system microbial culture of fixed volume-most common system Typical complete growth curve for population of cells grown in a closed system is characterized by four phases (Figure 5.11): Lag phase Exponential phase Stationary phase Death phase
5.6 The Growth Cycle Lag phase Exponential phase Stationary phase Interval between inoculation of a culture and beginning of growth Exponential phase Cells in this phase are typically in the healthiest state Stationary phase Growth rate of population is zero Either an essential nutrient is used up, or waste product of the organism accumulates in the medium
5.6 The Growth Cycle Death phase If incubation continues after cells reach stationary phase, the cells will eventually die
IV. Effect of Temperature on Microbial Growth 5.11 Temperature Classes of Microorganisms 5.12 Microbial Life in the Cold 5.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures
5.11 Temperature Classes of Microorganisms Temperature is a major environmental factor controlling microbial growth Temperature optimum = temperature at which growth is fastest Cardinal temperatures: the minimum, optimum, and maximum temperatures at which an organism grows (Figure 5.19)
5.11 Temperature Classes of Microorganisms Microorganisms can be classified into groups by their growth temperature optima (Figure 5.20) Psychrophile: low temperature Mesophile: midrange temperature Thermophile: high temperature Hyperthermophile: very high temperature
Figure 5.20 Temperature and growth response in different temperature classes of microorganisms.
5.12 Microbial Life in the Cold Other definitions Extremophiles Organisms that grow under very hot or very cold conditions Psychrotolerant Organisms that can grow at 0ºC but have optima of 20ºC to 40ºC More widely distributed in nature than psychrophiles
5.12 Microbial Life in the Cold Molecular adaptations that support psychrophily Production of enzymes that function optimally in the cold; features that may provide more flexibility More α-helices than β-sheets More polar and less hydrophobic amino acids Fewer weak bonds Decreased interactions between protein domains
5.12 Microbial Life in the Cold Molecular adaptations that support psychrophily (cont'd) Transport processes function optimally at low temperatures Modified cytoplasmic membranes High unsaturated fatty acid content (needs lower temperature to solidify)
5.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures Above ~65ºC, only prokaryotic life forms exist Hyperthermophiles in hot springs Chemoorganotrophic and chemolithotrophic species are present (Figure 5.23) High prokaryotic diversity (both Archaea and Bacteria are represented)
Figure 5.24 Growth of thermophilic cyanobacteria in a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park.
5.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures Studies of thermal habitats have revealed: Prokaryotes are able to grow at higher temperatures than eukaryotes Organisms with the highest temperature optima are Archaea Nonphototrophic organisms can grow at higher temperatures than phototrophic organisms
5.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures Molecular adaptations to thermophily Enzyme and proteins function optimally at high temperatures; features that provide thermal stability Critical amino acid substitutions in a few locations provide more heat-tolerant folds An increased number of ionic bonds between basic and acidic amino acids resists unfolding in the aqueous cytoplasm
5.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures Molecular adaptations to thermophily (cont'd) Modifications in cytoplasmic membranes to ensure heat stability Bacteria have lipids rich in saturated fatty acids Archaea have lipid monolayer rather than bilayer
5.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures Hyperthermophiles produce enzymes widely used in industrial microbiology Example: Taq polymerase, used to automate the repetitive steps in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique
V. Other Environmental Effects on Microbial Growth 5.14 Effects of pH on Microbial Growth 5.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth 5.16 Oxygen and Microbial Growth
5.14 Effects of pH on Microbial Growth The pH of an environment greatly affects microbial growth (Figure 5.25) Some organisms have evolved to grow best at low or high pH, but most organisms grow best between pH 6 and 8 (neutrophiles)
5.14 Effects of pH on Microbial Growth Acidophiles: organisms that grow best at low pH (<6) Some are obligate acidophiles; membranes are destroyed at neutral pH Stability of cytoplasmic membrane is critical Alkaliphiles: organisms that grow best at high pH (>9) Some have sodium motive force rather than proton motive force
5.14 Effects of pH on Microbial Growth The internal pH of a cell must stay relatively close to neutral even though the external pH is highly acidic or basic Internal pH has been found to be as low as 4.6 and as high as 9.5 in extreme acidophiles and alkaliphiles, respectively
5.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth Water activity (aw): water availability; expressed in physical terms Defined as ratio of vapor pressure of air in equilibrium with a substance or solution to the vapor pressure of pure water
5.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth Typically, the cytoplasm has a higher solute concentration than the surrounding environment; thus, the tendency is for water to move into the cell (positive water balance) When a cell is in an environment with a higher external solute concentration, water will flow out unless the cell has a mechanism to prevent this
5.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth Halophiles: organisms that grow best at reduced water potential; have a specific requirement for NaCl (Figure 5.26) Extreme halophiles: organisms that require high levels (15–30%) of NaCl for growth Halotolerant: organisms that can tolerate some reduction in water activity of environment but generally grow best in the absence of the added solute
Figure 5.26 Halotolerant Halophile Extreme halophile Nonhalophile Example: Staphylococcus aureus Example: Aliivibrio fischeri Example: Halobacterium salinarum Figure 5.26 Effect of NaCl concentration on growth of microorganisms of different salt tolerances or requirements. Nonhalophile Example: Escherichia coli Figure 5.26
5.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth Osmophiles: organisms that live in environments high in sugar as solute Xerophiles: organisms able to grow in very dry environments
5.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth Mechanisms for combating low water activity in surrounding environment involve increasing the internal solute concentration by Pumping inorganic ions from environment into cell Synthesizing or concentrating organic solutes Compatible solutes: compounds used by cell to counteract low water activity in surrounding environment
5.16 Oxygen and Microbial Growth Aerobes: require oxygen to live Anaerobes: do not require oxygen and may even be killed by exposure Facultative organisms: can live with or without oxygen Aerotolerant anaerobes: can tolerate oxygen and grow in its presence even though they cannot use it Microaerophiles: can use oxygen only when it is present at levels reduced from that in air
5.16 Oxygen and Microbial Growth Several toxic forms of oxygen can be formed in the cell (Figure 5.29): Single oxygen Superoxide anion Hydrogen peroxide Hydroxyl radical
Figure 5.29 Four-electron reduction of O2 to H2O by stepwise addition of electrons.
5.16 Oxygen and Microbial Growth Enzymes are present to neutralize most of these toxic oxygen species (Figure 5.30) Catalase (Figure 5.31) Peroxidase Superoxide dismutase Superoxide reductase
Figure 5.30 Enzymes that destroy toxic oxygen species.
V. Control of Microbial Growth 5.17 General Principles and Growth Control by Heat 5.18 Other Physical Control Methods: Radiation and Filtration 5.19 Chemical Control of Microbial Growth
5.17 General Principles and Growth Control by Heat Sterilization The killing or removal of all viable organisms within a growth medium Inhibition Effectively limiting microbial growth Decontamination The treatment of an object to make it safe to handle Disinfection Directly targets the removal of all pathogens, not necessarily all microorganisms
5.17 General Principles and Growth Control by Heat Heat sterilization is the most widely used method of controlling microbial growth (Figure 5.32a) High temperatures denature macromolecules Some bacteria produce resistant cells called endospores Can survive heat that would rapidly kill vegetative cells
5.18 Other Physical Control Methods: Radiation and Filtration Microwaves, UV, X-rays, gamma rays, and electrons can reduce microbial growth UV has sufficient energy to cause modifications and breaks in DNA UV is useful for decontaminating surfaces (Figure 5.34) Cannot penetrate solid, opaque, or light-absorbing surfaces
5.18 Other Physical Control Methods: Radiation and Filtration Ionizing radiation Electromagnetic radiation that produces ions and other reactive molecules Generates electrons, hydroxyl radicals, and hydride radicals Some microorganisms are more resistant to radiation than others Deinococcus duroradians or “Conan the Bacterium”
5.18 Other Physical Control Methods: Radiation and Filtration Sources of radiation include cathode ray tubes, X-rays, and radioactive nuclides Radiation is used for sterilization in the medical field and food industry Radiation is approved by the WHO and is used in the USA for decontaminating foods particularly susceptible to microbial contamination Hamburger, chicken, spices may all be irradiated
5.18 Other Physical Control Methods: Radiation and Filtration Filtration avoids the use of heat on sensitive liquids and gases Pores of filter are too small for organisms to pass through but not viruses Pores allow liquid or gas to pass through Medical materials
5.19 Chemical Control of Microbial Growth Antimicrobial agents can be classified as: Bacteriostatic: stops growth Bacteriocidal: “kills” microbe Bacteriolytic : destruction of microbe with physical bursting or “lysis” (Figure 5.39)