Craig Kirk
Using radiation to provide imaging. Images used to assist diagnosis. Earliest patient contact.
Accurate diagnosis Explanations Action Poor expectations
Mainly used for: Computed Tomography (CT), Fluoroscopy, Mammography… Uses ionising x-rays to form an image.
Mainly used for: Brain scans, Spine scans… Very safe (unless the patient has a magnetic implant). fMRI provides live images
Varied application; Useful for detecting cancerous tumours… Shows biochemical activity.
Mainly used for: Baby scans, Detecting gall stones… Easy and safe. Affordable. Live image.
New technologies: Diagnosing ability Efficiency Safety Future technologies: Opportunities
Does the NHS use these technologies effectively?
The NHS spends £3,200 per second Prioritisation of techniques: Technology must be purchased, maintained and staffed. Doctors prefer to use cheaper technology to minimise the impact on their budget.
The NHS spends £9 billion a year following lawsuits – 9% of the NHS spending this year. This money could be used in care. ‘Compensation culture’. Doctors are forced to be cautious.
NHS Constitution - pledges. Interprofessional diagnosis. Clinical trialling – CAD.
CAD started in the sixties. It is still barely implemented by the NHS. Would you trust unapprised technology? Compensation culture.
How could the NHS function if compensation culture was removed? What if money was more available to the NHS? Consider these problems and the recent advancements made. How is diagnostic radiology performing?
Discoveries Personal future and career Knowledge of how medicine functions My journey Reflection Overall performance
Thanks to for supplying all medical images, other than those used in slide 8, in this presentation. All other information/images taken directly from report or bibliography.