School Resource Management Issue: Unsupervised Students EDU 577: School Resource Management Presentation by: Rich Welsh
Learning Outcomes Evaluate a resource management issue. Review possible steps to solve the problem. Decide the best solution for the problem and obstacles that could present themselves.
Background Knowledge Willow Hill Elementary School Over 75 percent of students walk to and from school. They arrive and leave at the times that are convenient to their own or parents schedules. Many arrive at school before staff members/aides are required to be at school. Teachers can not be forced to supervise before or after school by contract.
Statement of Problem Many students are on the playground before and after school unsupervised. Students are causing vandalism to school property and fighting. Supervision is needed before and afterschool to decrease student infractions.
If you were principal, would you… 1.Assign “Extra Duty” pay to aides who can come in early to supervise the playground? 2. Design and implement a policy with procedures for students who early? 3. Start a school program to assist with supervising students before and after school?
Developing School Policy Responsibility also falls on the parents Bring students to school at reasonable hour Principals must have a written policy Outlined procedures and expectations Parents who do not abide by the policy will be held accountable Procedures for Early Arrival & Late Departure Procedures for Early Arrival & Late Departure
Before/After school Programs Teachers can stay after school for extra duty pay. Start programs they can supervise. Implemented programs Literature Club HW Club Reading Olympics YMCA Before Care Enroll students who are usually at school early.
YMCA Before/Afterschool Program YMCA occupies the cafeteria & gym/playground Program hosts & supervises students before school and after school Parents pay weekly Some parents do not have money YMCA Brochure YMCA Brochure
AAA Safety Patrol Program -Teachers select responsible student candidates to patrol the school before and after school. -Program funded by grant money received -Safeties wear sashes ordered from AAA -Each Safety has a designated area to patrol Walker Patrols, Bus Patrols Hallway & Bathroom Patrol Assemblies After School Activities
Safety Responsibilities -Safeties can warn students, "write them up" – -Monitor Hallway and tell me in writing about problems - move students away from each other (if they are bus safeties) -Open doors for students -Record observations in hallways -Student volunteers sign up to be safety patrol boys/girls
AAA School Safety Patrol Criteria: Ability to follow rules Good attendance record Good judgment Courtesy Respect for classmates Desire to help others
Additional Supervision Aides supervise students on the playground before and during school. Are not required to arrive at school before 8:30 Set up an extra duty pay for aides to come in 30 minutes early each day. Assist with bus duty & playground supervision Each aide is assigned a designated area to monitor.
Resolutions Begin AAA Safety Patrol Program Assign addition duties to aides that volunteer to assist in supervising bus duties and playground Implement various before and after school programs to keep students active Principal patrol of playground before and after school
People Impacted Aides and Administration Give extra time to help supervise students Teachers Arrive earlier and stay later at school Although being compensated many are not as willing Students Volunteering time to practice being responsible
Wrap Up Student infractions before/afterschool Students need to be supervised Before and Afterschool Setup a strategy to provide supervision Before/ Afterschool Policies in writing Implement programs to occupy students Pay aides and support staff to supervise Eliminate students infractions before/afterschool
Resources Frank, Stephen and Miles, Karen Hawley. The Strategic School-Making the Most of People,Time, and Money. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, California /